"Let me think," I insisted. His expression cleared, now that he was satisfied that I was planningto answer. I dropped my hand to the table, moving my left hand so that my palms werepressed together. I stared at my hands, twisting and untwisting my fingers, as I finally spoke.
"Well, aside from the obvious, sometimes…" I hesitated. "I can't be sure — I don't know how toread minds — but sometimes it seems like you're trying to say goodbye when you're sayingsomething else." That was the best I could sum up the sensation of anguish that his wordstriggered in me at times.
"Perceptive," he whispered. And there was the anguish again, surfacing as he confirmed myfear. "That's exactly why you're wrong, though," he began to explain, but then his eyesnarrowed. "What do you mean, 'the obvious'?"
"Well, look at me," I said, unnecessarily as he was already staring. "I'm absolutely ordinary —well, except for bad things like all the near-death experiences and being so clumsy that I'malmost disabled. And look at you." I waved my hand toward him and all his bewilderingperfection.