There was so much to think through, so much I still wanted to ask. But, to my greatembarrassment, my stomach growled. I'd been so intrigued, I hadn't even noticed I washungry. I realized now that I was ravenous.
"I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from dinner."
"I'm fine, really."
"I've never spent much time around anyone who eats food. I forget."
"I want to stay with you." It was easier to say in the darkness, knowing as I spoke how myvoice would betray me, my hopeless addiction to him.
"Can't I come in?" he asked.
"Would you like to?" I couldn't picture it, this godlike creature sitting in my father's shabbykitchen chair.
"Yes, if it's all right." I heard the door close quietly, and almost simultaneously he was outsidemy door, opening it for me.
"Very human," I complimented him.
"It's definitely resurfacing."
He walked beside me in the night, so quietly I had to peek at him constantly to be sure he wasstill there. In the darkness he looked much more normal. Still pale, still dreamlike in his beauty,but no longer the fantastic sparkling creature of our sunlit afternoon.
He reached the door ahead of me and opened it for me. I paused halfway through the frame.
"The door was unlocked?"
"No, I used the key from under the eave."