Hello and welcome to In the Balance—the discussionprogram from the business daily team at BBC worldservice. I'm Justin Rolette and I've got a question foryou. What does the daughter of the British romanticpoet Lord Byron have to do with the high-techrevolution? Well, the answer is here on the blue plat outside her house in an elegant Londonsquare—Saint James Square. And it says here, Ada Countess of Lovelace was a pioneer ofcomputing. This week, women scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians fromBrazil to Belgian have been celebrating her lifeAda Lovelace Day is just one of several recent events in conferences devoted to womentechnology and their achievements. It is a hot topic. So if a woman was a tech trail blazer ahundred and eighty years ago, women must be the forefront of the computer science businessnow, right? Wrong, or at least wrong in most parts of the world. Sharah Samburg, the chiefoperating officer of Facebook, has described the declining proportion of women in computerscience in the USA as an emergency. So that's our question for this week—Why aren't theremore women in tech?
And to answer that question, we've got two prominent women in technology—Serrisia Jarjarla,assistant for vice president for business development of the Indian telecoms engineeringcompany—Tech Mahindra which I think am right to assure as part of the Mahindraconglomerate. "That's right."
And it's a big significant technology company in its own right. It employs, am I right—85,000people?
"That's right and that includes our recent acquisition."
We've got Sharry Coutun who's an investor of tech company. She's on the board of aRaspberry Pi which produces very simple and cheap computer designed to encourage children tobecome involved in programming. My daughter is very keen on her Raspberry Pi. You had alandmark recently, didn't you with Raspberry Pi?
"We did. We have, we outsold the number of BBC microcomputers that have been sold. Sowe've now sold 103,000,000 Raspberry Pie."
And we have a man Dorrah Hikki, is one of founders of the Dublin web summit. What is theDublin web summit, Dorrah? "It's probably Europe's largest start of tech event and we've moved from 200 people just threeyears ago to our almost 10,000 people with 950 coming from across 100 countries in October“柏