He needed money. He went to a crowd-funding website. On it, anyone could try to raise money for any purpose. His purpose was: "Give me a million dollars, and I'll burn it all in Union Square. The bonfire will show our contempt for cash and greed." A year later, site visitors had donated a million dollars. His friend asked, "Well, when are you going to burn it?" He said, "Burn it? Who would burn a million bucks? I'm going to buy myself a condo." She said, "But you made a deal with the donors. They did their part; now you must do your part." He said, "Forget it! If I'd known I'd collect a million, I wouldn't have offered to burn it." She said, "You're not keeping your part of the bargain. How can you live with yourself?" He said, "I'm a millionaire now. It's easy to live with myself."