話題: The First Feminist Mary Wollstonecraft
1、manifesto:a plan of faction 宣言
2、liberation: freedom 解放
3、tarnished: 污色,敗壞名聲
4、laudable: recommended 推薦的,很好的
5、distinction: difference 差別
6、virginiawoolf 書名
7、besoted by sb.: completely in love with 被迷住
1、dipped in and out of favour 大起大落
2、a set of revelations 秘密都暴露了
3、ambivalent: 矛盾掙扎的
1、What was Mary’s most famous book called?
2、What is the name of the group that is trying to get a statue put on the green?
3、What was it in the 1970’s that brought Mary Wollstoncraft to the fore again?
1、dipped in and out of favour 大起大落
2、a set of revelations 秘密都暴露了
3、ambivalent: 矛盾掙扎的