Let me start by telling you a little story. This is Van Quach. She came to this country in 1986from Vietnam. She changed her name to Vivian because she wanted to fit in here in America.Her first job was at an inner-city motel in San Francisco as a maid. I happened to buy thatmotel about three months after Vivian started working there. So Vivian and I have been workingtogether for 23 years.
With the youthful idealism of a 26-year-old, in 1987, I started my company and I called it Joiede Vivre, a very impractical name, because I actually was looking to create joy of life. And thisfirst hotel that I bought, motel, was a pay-by-the-hour, no-tell motel in the inner-city of SanFrancisco. As I spent time with Vivian, I saw that she had sort of a joie de vivre in how she didher work. It made me question and curious: How could someone actually find joy in cleaningtoilets for a living? So I spent time with Vivian, and I saw that she didn't find joy in cleaningtoilets. Her job, her goal and her calling was not to become the world's greatest toilet scrubber.