1. Primacy and recency: People most remember the first and last things to occur, and barely the middle。
When scheduling an interview, ask what times the employer is interviewing and try to be first or last。
2. If you work in a bar or in customer service of any kind .。.
... Put a mirror behind you at the counter. This way, angry customers who approach you will have to see themselves in the mirror behind you, and the chances of them behaving irrationally lowers significantly.……
3. Once you make the sales pitch, don't say anything else。
This works in sales, but it can also be applied in other ways. My boss at an old job was training me and just giving me pointers. I was working at a gym trying to sell memberships. He told me that once I got all the small talk out of the way and presented the prices, that the first person to talk will lose. Often there were long periods of awkward silence as the person tried to come up with some excuse, but usually they bought。
4. If you ask someone a question and they only partiallyanswer, just wait。
If you stay silent and keep eye contact they will usually continue talking。
5. Chew gum when you're approaching a situation that would make you nervous, like public speaking or bungee jumping。
If we are eating, something in our brain reasons, "I would not be eating if I were danger. So I'm not in danger."
6. People will always remember not what you said, but how you made them feel。
Also, most people like talking about themselves, so ask lots of questions about them。
7. When you're learning something new, teach it to a friend. Let them ask questions about it。
If you're able to teach something well, you can be sure that you've understood it very well。
8. If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you。
It doesn't always happen the first time, but it will definitely happen next time。
9. The physical effects of stress — breathing and heart rate — are almost identical to the physical effects of courage。
When you're feeling stressed from any situation, immediately reframe it: Your body is getting ready to be courageous, it is NOT feeling stressed。
10. Pay attention to people's feet。
If you approach two people in the middle of a conversation, and they only turn their torsos and not their feet, they don't want you to join in the conversation。
11. Fake it 'til you make it. Confidence is more important than knowledge。
Don't be intimidated by anyone, everyone is playing a role and wearing a mask。
12. If you pretend to be something for long enough, you will eventually become it。
13. Not to be creepy, but if you want to stare at someone unashamedly, look directly past them and wait for them to try and meet your eyes。
When they fail to do that, they'll look around (usually nervously for a second). They won't look at you again for some time。