You got the job on The Green Hornet,where you played Kato, the chauffeur,mainly because youre the only Chinese-looking guy who could pronounce the name of the leading character, Britt Reid.
I made that as a joke, of course.And it's a heck of a name, man.Every time I said it at that time,I was super conscious.
Mr Reid's residence.As a kid, we watched Green Hornet for him.We could care less about Green Hornet.
He had a fly car, I'll give him props for the car,but Kato was incredible.Everybody in the neighbourhood was fighting to be Bruce Lee,not the Green Hornet.
A lot of stunt guys didn't know how to react.You do the old John Wayne,you throw a punch and the guy goes down.With him,it's boom, boom, boom, boom,lightning fast.
There's a shot of Bruce and he's doing a kick,and his thigh, his inner thigh, is flat against his chest.And we would just look at that kick like,"Are you kidding me?""Look how incredible this guy can kick."
I think about what my dad said about his first foray into Hollywood.There were all these seasoned actors doing their thing,and he felt like the only robot in the room.Thats something I can really relate to in my life, back when I was acting,and I was trying so hard to impress the right people.