That's the nineteen years I'm announcing my retirement from professional basketball. It's nowthe time for me to begin my new life. I would like to thank my mother and father for theirsupport and guidance. I would like especially thank my father, because without him, I wouldn'tbe here today. Because it was him who met a young lady, who had a boy, and took us in. Hetaught me the game, he taught me how to play the game, he taught me how to dominate thegame. So I just want to say, from son to father, thank you very much. I love you two. And mymother, I can't forget about you, the most beautiful woman I've ever known in the world. Youalways take care of me, the days you spent with me, you always brought me in the rooms andyou always snort the cake, the milk and cookies, and told me don't worry about father and mydreams. Thank you very much. I'd like to thank my brothers and sisters, who always put awitness for always having me believe in my dremas. I'd like to thank my beautiful children, forputting up with daddy's schedule. You know, daddy always had a busy schedule. You knowdaddy came home moody after the game. The stuff like that. Yes, daddy will continue to takeyou the toilet, because last night your dad just retired. My family has made many manysacrifices. And for them, I'm very very grateful.