Fear will get the worst of the best of us and peddlers of influence count on that. Throughtoutour nation's constant struggle to create a more perfect union, establish justice and ensure ourdomestic tranquility, we battle fear from outside our borders and from within our own heartsevery day of our history.
Our nation came to be despite the fear of retribution from the king across the sea. Americawas made strong because people here could live free from the fears that made up their dailylives in whatever land they called the "Old Country". Our history books tell of conflicts taken upto free people from fear-those kept in slavery-in our own states, and to liberate whole nationsunder the rule of tyrants and theologies rooted in fear. The American course, at its best, asbeing the cultivation of a faith, that declares we will always live in peace when we are all free toworship as we choose, when we are free to express our hearts, and when we all seek a placefree from fear. But we live in a world where too many of us are too ready to believe in thingsthat do not exist-conspiracies abound, divisons are constructed and the differences betweenus are not celebrated for making us stronger but are calculated and programmed to set usagainst each other. Our faith is tested by unpredictable providence, and threatened whencommon sense is corrupted by specific interests.
1. count on
eg. Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble.
eg. They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.
2. make up
eg. Parents and children make up a family in the strict sense of the word.
eg. The scientists said extremely small life forms make up ninety percent of the ocean's totalliving material, also known as biomass.
3. be ready to do sth.
eg. She was always ready to give interviews.
eg. She has a very open mind and is always ready to consider new ideas.
4. be programmed to do sth.
eg. We are all genetically programmed to develop certain illnesses.
eg. The evidence suggests that our sense of touch is programmed to diminish with age.
5. set against
eg. The case has set neighbour against neighbour in the village.
eg. The problematic situation set the interests of environmentalists against those ofcorporations and of individuals who stood to lose jobs.