[00:06:36]“He can have her tomorrow, if he likes,” her brother said. He glanced over at Dany, and she lowered her eyes.
[00:14:10]“So long as he pays the price.”
[00:17:42]Illyrio waved a languid hand in the air, rings glittering on his fat fingers.
[00:23:07]“I have told you, all is settled. Trust me. The khal has promised you a crown, and you shall have it.”
[00:36:52]“Yes, but when?”
[00:37:14]“When the khal chooses,” Illyrio said. “He will have the girl first,
[00:39:46]and after they are wed he must make his procession across the plains and present her to the dosh khaleen at Vaes Dothrak.
[00:49:58]After that, perhaps. If the omens favor war.”
[00:56:25]Viserys seethed with impatience. “I piss on Dothraki omens. The Usurper sits on my father’s throne. How long must I wait?”
[01:04:05]Illyrio gave a massive shrug. “You have waited most of your life, great king. What is another few months, another few years?”
[01:13:10]Ser Jorah, who had traveled as far east as Vaes Dothrak, nodded in agreement. “I counsel you to be patient, Your Grace.
[01:24:47]The Dothraki are true to their word, but they do things in their own time.
[01:29:42]A lesser man may beg a favor from the khal, but must never presume to berate him.”