Happy season 11 everybody!A good number. This is our first show of our brand new season and I have a promise for you right now,right up from I'm gonna say it. This season I'm gonna work it while I twerk it. Oh,did you have a good summer,everybody?
熱烈慶祝第十一季開播 真是個好數字 今天是我們新季開播第一天 當著大家的面 我鄭重承諾 這一季我會邊扭邊主持 大家假期過得不錯吧
Good summer? Yeah? Great. What did you do? All right. my turn. I have a great summer. i had a wonderful summer.
很棒的假期 好的 你們都干了什么 好了 該我說了 我這個夏天過的超級精彩 非常棒的假期
I'm really happy to be back though, but I got a ... I got a little bit of sun, I relaxed. I read a lot of sangria recipes. And I went to two different weddings which are always beautiful.
我當然是很高興能重新站在這 但是這個假期里 我沐浴陽光 放松身心 還看了好幾種sangria的調法 我還參加了兩場婚禮 婚禮總是那么美好
I love weddings. My brother got married. My brother vance got married and this is ...him. With his beautiful bride.
我很喜歡婚禮 我哥哥結婚了 我哥哥vance結婚了 這就是...他 和他的漂亮新娘
And it was surprise for everybody because they have been together for a long long time,like I don't know, ten,twelve years something like that, a long time.
但所有人都很吃驚 因為他倆已經在一起很久了 大概有個10年,12年的樣子 很長時間了
So...I forget her name,but she is a lovely woman,start with an R or Q.
我記不住她的名字 但她是個可愛的姑娘 名字開頭字母是R還是Q的
But she's so sweet. she's uh...No,it's joanna and I love Joanna. So she's my sister-in-law.And that was beautiful. I'm so happy for him.
但她真的超可愛的 她... 開玩笑啦 她叫joanna 我很喜歡她 她是我的嫂子 婚禮很美 我很為我哥哥高興
And it was fantastic and we danced for hours all night long. This is a photo brought of Portia and i dancing,and this is...I know...I know...I have to photo crop her. I don't know who...I don't know who she is.
更讓人開心的是我們跳了一晚上舞 這張照片上是我和Portia在跳舞 還有這是 我懂的 我懂的 我得想辦法把她p掉 我不知道...我不知道她是誰啊
But it looks romantic,we are actually going "Do I have broccoli in my teeth?" "No. do you have bro..." We are looking for broccoli.
雖然看起來很浪漫 其實我們是在說“我牙上有菜葉子嗎” “沒有 你有...”其實我們是在看有沒有菜葉子
So that's my brother's wedding. And then we went to my friend ,Jimmy Kimmel got married,so we went to Jimmy's wedding. They got married the same place my brother got married.
那是我哥哥的婚禮 接下里是我的好友jimmy kimmel 他也結婚了 所以我們就去參加他的婚禮 他和我哥哥是在同一個地方舉行婚禮
They got married at the Ojai Valley Inn. And that's Molly of course.It's beautifu place,Ojai. Let's...pan out if we can. I will show you how pretty it is.Oh,there she's again. How did she get both weddings? That's crazy.
都是在Ojai Valley大酒店 這就是Molly Ojai非常漂亮 能不能縮小一下 給你們看下有多好看 怎么又是她 怎么兩場婚禮都有她 這不科學啊
We had a great time at the wedding as well.We hung out with our friends Jen and Justin. Now,nobody was impressed that was our table card.
那場婚禮上我們也玩得很開心 Jen 和Justin也在 當時就沒人注意 那個是我們名卡
I pulled it out of jen's ear and no one was...is impressed that I thought they would have been.
我是從jen的耳后變出來的 都沒人關注 我還以為會有很多人注意到呢
I went to the hamptons,and I had fun at the hamptons.I did some dancing and some singsing.
我還去了漢普頓 在那也很開心 又唱歌又跳舞
Here I am with Jamie Foxx and Pharrell right there.yead. that's me in the middle.
這張是我和jamie foxx 和pharrell 對的 中間那個是我
And...we were singsing Pharrell's hit song 'get lucky'.
我們正唱著pharrell的熱歌《get lucky》
And they were all up all night to get lucky.I went to bed on eight thirty.so..and I also...it was a star-studded summer.
他們瘋了一晚就為了“求好運” 但我八點半就睡了 反正這是個群星璀璨的夏天
I hung out with Oprah because i moved into a neighbourhood. I'm right down the street from where oprah lives.
我最近搬到了oprah附近 所以總跟她混在一起 她住街頭 我住街尾
And she knew that I was in neighbourhood so...she was so nice.she brought over a beautiful basket of like fruits and vegetables from her garden,and that's her bring a...
她也知道我搬過去了 所以她 她人超好 所以她就給我送了個蔬果籃 說是自家院子里種的 這就是她送...
and I don't wanna say anything bad about oprah,but when I empty the basket,I found a trader joe's receipt at the bottom,so, I was like"oh,i wanna see the garden."
其實我不想說oprah的壞話啦 但是當我把東西都拿出來了 籃子底赫然一張trader joe's的小票 所以我就說“我去你的果園看看吧”
she goes,"not today." I don't think she has a garden.
她卻說“今天不對外開放” 我才不相信她有果園呢
It's great to be friends with the oprah neighbours, with oprah.
It's wonderful. one day she came over,she did my hair whcih was really sweet ever since.So thank you for that.
很幸福的一件事啊 有一天她過來 幫我做了曾經很流行的頭發(fā) 太謝謝了