That's not fair! That's not fair! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.All right. All right.Congratulations! It's all right.
這不公平 這不公平 對不起 對不起 好了 沒關(guān)系 恭喜你們 沒關(guān)系
That's enough celebrating and throwing it in my face.
行了 你們夠了 別再咄咄逼人地慶祝了
Congratulations to this half of the audience.
You are going to go home with a two-year supply of Tide HE turbo.
你們能得到 汰漬提供的渦輪清潔劑兩年供應服務
But you need something nice to use it in,so you are all getting a whirlpool cabrio HE washer and dryers.
但是 你們還需要東西來用清潔劑 所以你們還會獲得惠而浦·迪卡普里奧HE洗衣烘干機一個
Thank you. Thank you so much.I want to thank Ellen Pompeo for playing.
謝謝 十分感謝 感謝艾倫·旁派參加這個游戲
And you just got really lucky and it's my show and so you are also getting washer and dryers.
而且你們真的太幸運了 這是我的秀 所以你們也能拿走洗衣烘干機
Ellen Pompeo, we will be back.
艾倫·旁派 我們一會見