Members of the Harvard Family: Here in the Yard is oneof the great collections of intellectual talent in theworld.
For what purpose?
There is no question that the faculty, the alumni, the students, and the benefactors of Harvard haveused their power to improve the lives of people here and around the world. But can we do more?Can Harvard dedicate its intellect to improving the lives of people who will never even hear itsname?
Let me make a request of the deans and the professors - the intellectual leaders here at Harvard:As you hire new faculty, award tenure, review curriculum, and determine degree requirements,please ask yourselves:
Should our best minds be dedicated to solving our biggest problems?
Should Harvard encourage its faculty to take on the world's worst inequities? Should Harvardstudents learn about the depth of global poverty ... the prevalence of world hunger ... the scarcityof clean water ...the girls kept out of school ... the children who die from diseases we can cure?