As advocate and activist Marian Wright Edelman says, "Service is the rent we pay for living...itis the true measure of our success." So, graduates, when times get tough and fear sets in,think of those people who paved the way for you and those who are counting on you to pave the way for them. Never let setbacks or fear dictate the course of your life. Hold on to the possibility and push beyond the fear. Hold on to the hope that brought you here today, the hope of laborers and immigrants, settlers and slaves, whose blood and sweat built this community and made it possible for you to sit in these seats.
There are a lot of people in your lives who work a little something about the power of hope.Don't we, parents and grandparents? Look, I know a little something about the power of hope.My husband knows a little something about the power of hope.
You are the hope of Merced and of this nation. And be the realization of our dreams and the hope for the next generation. We believe in you. Thank you so much, and good luck. God bless you all.