There’re no reports of Israeli fatalities. From Gaza, here is Yoland Knell.
盡管這里被以色列占領,但是卻沒有關于以色列人死亡的報道。Yoland Knell在加沙為您報道。
“The streets now in Gaza city are completely empty. Nobody at all is out on the street. It has been a very noisy night here, a lot of shelling by naval forces. Israeli military says that it hit more than 100 targets since midnight local time. In that time as well, it says there were 5 rockets that hit Israel fired by militants in Gaza and further 7 they were intercepted by its Iron Dome defense system. Of course here at the moment, there’s a lot of concern about the increasing number of civilians killed.”
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has warned that the situation in Gaza could quickly get out of control. He is due to brief an emergency meeting with the UN Security Council on the crisis later today.
美國國防部長Ban Ki-moon曾警告稱加沙一帶局勢很快就會失去控制。他明天將就此問題與聯合國安理會召開緊急會議。
Iraq has warned the Unite Nations that Sunni militants have seized nuclear materials used by scientists in the city of Mosul. Nick Bryant reports. “The nuclear materials were seized at Mosul university by ISIS rebels according to a letter sent to Ban Ki-moon by Iraqi’s UN ambassador. Some 40 kilograms of uranium compounds were taken which we being used for scientific research. The letter warned that despite the limited men involved, the material could be used in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction and enable, what it calls, terrorist groups with sufficient expertise to deploy them either separately or in combination with other materials to carry out attacks.”
伊拉克曾警告美國說遜尼派已經在摩蘇爾掌握了科學家用來研究核武器的資料。下面是 Nick Bryant發(fā)回的報道。在伊拉克駐聯合國大使所送達的信件中稱,核武器資料已經被ISIS組織在摩蘇爾大學里控制了起來。大約40千克的鈾化合物被用于科學研究。信中警告說,盡管數量有限,但這些材料可用于制造大規(guī)模殺傷性武器,并使他們所謂的恐怖組織有足夠的專業(yè)知識來單獨部署或者結合其他材料進行攻擊。
The Indian government has promised to bring back higher growth to the world’s third largest economy, saying Indians were exasperated after two years of economic slowdown. It’s the first budget since the Prime Minister Narendra Modi won a landslide victory two months ago. From deli, Sanjoy Majumder reports.
印度政府承諾要重新使得第三世界的經濟恢復快速發(fā)展。印度政府對其經受兩年的經濟下滑表示惱火。這是總理Narendra Modi 自贏得壓倒性勝利兩個月以來的第一次預算。Sanjoy Majumder在德里報道。
“Presenting as a maiden budget, India’s new Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said his government had inherited a challenging situation and needed to cut spending while taken steps to revive economic growth. Mr. Jaitley raised caps on foreign investment in key sectors, such as defense and insurance. He also announced increase spending on building India’s infrastructure, including roads, ports, power generation and gas pipelines. But in the move showed to disappoint millions of middle class voters, the Finance Minster said there would be no change in personal income tax rates.
面對第一次預算支出,印度財政部長Arun Jaitley稱其政府正處于一個巨大挑戰(zhàn)階段,需要減少開支,同時需要采取措施促使經濟增長。Mr. Jaitley提高了對外投資的限制,例如在國防和保險方面。同時他宣稱增加對印度基礎設施的支出,包括道路,港口,電力和燃氣管道。但這卻讓數百萬的中產階級選民感到失望,財政部長表示,個人所得稅率將不會發(fā)生改變。
Welcome to assignment on the BBC World Service with me Yond Hakim. This week we had a journalist undercover in the Boko Haram's stronghold of northeast Nigeria in the city of Maiduguri. “Whoever is working as a journalist in Maiduguri is taking a great deal of risk. It’s difficult to get there. The airport has been closed since December last year and there’s virtually only one road that leads to Maiduguri. You don’t know when or where you’ll be blocked by Boko Haram's soldiers. And once they block you, they have no mercy. They’ll slaughter you like a sheep.” We also hear allegations of unjustified detention and brutality by Nigeria security forces.
There’re no reports of Israeli fatalities. From Gaza, here is Yoland Knell. “The streets now in Gaza city are completely empty. Nobody at all is out on the street. It has been a very noisy night here, a lot of shelling by naval forces. Israeli military says that it hit more than 100 targets since midnight local time. In that time as well, it says there were 5 rockets that hit Israel fired by militants in Gaza and further 7 they were intercepted by its Iron Dome defense system. Of course here at the moment, there’s a lot of concern about the increasing number of civilians killed.” United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has warned that the situation in Gaza could quickly get out of control. He is due to brief an emergency meeting with the UN Security Council on the crisis later today.
Iraq has warned the Unite Nations that Sunni militants have seized nuclear materials used by scientists in the city of Mosul. Nick Bryant reports. “The nuclear materials were seized at Mosul university by ISIS rebels according to a letter sent to Ban Ki-moon by Iraqi’s UN ambassador. Some 40 kilograms of uranium compounds were taken which we being used for scientific research. The letter warned that despite the limited men involved, the material could be used in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction and enable, what it calls, terrorist groups with sufficient expertise to deploy them either separately or in combination with other materials to carry out attacks.”
The Indian government has promised to bring back higher growth to the world’s third largest economy, saying Indians were exasperated after two years of economic slowdown. It’s the first budget since the Prime Minister Narendra Modi won a landslide victory two months ago. From deli, Sanjoy Majumder reports. “Presenting as a maiden budget, India’s new Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said his government had inherited a challenging situation and needed to cut spending while taken steps to revive economic growth. Mr. Jaitley raised caps on foreign investment in key sectors, such as defense and insurance. He also announced increase spending on building India’s infrastructure, including roads, ports, power generation and gas pipelines. But in the move showed to disappoint millions of middle class voters, the Finance Minster said there would be no change in personal income tax rates.