including training security forces in Yemen who havegone on the offensive against al Qaeda
supporting a multinational force to keep the peace inSomalia working with European allies to train afunctioning security force and border patrol in Libya
and facilitating French operations in Mali
A critical focus of this effort will be the ongoing crisis in Syria
As frustrating as it is, there are no easy answers there no military solution that can eliminatethe terrible suffering anytime soon
很令人沮喪的是 這個問題沒有簡單解決方案沒有任何軍事行動能夠迅速解除人們正在經受的苦難
As President, I made a decision that we should not put American troops into the middle of thisincreasingly sectarian war and I believe that is the right decision
作為總統(tǒng) 我決定不派遣美國軍隊卷入這場日益激烈的宗派戰(zhàn)爭我堅信 這個決定是正確的
But that does not mean we shouldn't help the Syrian people stand up against a dictator whobombs and starves his own people
不過這并不意味著 我們不應該幫助敘利亞人民站起來反對一個用炸彈和饑餓殘害自己人民的獨裁者
And in helping those who fight for the right of all Syrians to choose their own future we are alsopushing back against the growing number of extremists
who find safe haven in the chaos
So with the additional resources I'm announcing today we will step up our efforts to supportSyria's neighbors Jordan and Lebanon
在我今天宣布的額外措施中我們還將支持敘利亞的鄰國 約旦和黎巴嫩
Turkey and Iraq as they contend with refugees and confront terrorists working across Syria'sborders
I will work with Congress to ramp up support for those in the Syrian opposition who offer thebest alternative to terrorists and brutal dictators
我會同國會一起 謀求對敘利亞反對派的支持他們才是恐怖主義和專橫獨裁的最佳替代者
And we will continue to coordinate with our friends and allies in Europe and the Arab World topush for a political resolution of this crisis
and to make sure that those countries and not just the United States are contributing theirfair share to support the Syrian people