I'm okay... I'm fine... - Who's this?我還好... 我沒問題 - 他是誰?
Wait, it doesn't matter. Just...You have to go.哦 這不重要... 你必須得走了
No, I know we can figure this out together...不,我們一定能解決這個問題...
How? What power do you have to stop this winter?怎么解決? 什么力量可以讓你阻止這個嚴冬?
To stop me?阻止我?
Anna, I think we should go.安娜 我們得走了
No. I'm not leaving without you, Elsa.不!我不能丟下你 艾莎
Yes, you are.求你了,走吧
Stop. Put us down!放下! 把我們放下!
Go away!離開這兒!
Heads up!看著點兒!
Watch out for my butt!小心我的屁股!
It is not nice to throw people!就這么把我們?nèi)映鰜恚珱]禮貌了!
Wow, Wow, Wow Feisty pants. Ok, Relax.哇 喔 喔 得了吧 冷靜點兒
Just Calm down. Calm down.好了 冷靜!
All Right. I'm Okay.好 好 我冷靜了
Just let the snow man be.別管他了
I'm Calm... - Great.我得冷靜... - 很好
Oh... Come on!嗬! - 你干嘛
Uh-oh. See. Now you made him mad!你看你 把他惹毛了吧!
I'll distract him.你們先走
You guys go.我掩護!
No, no, not you guys.喂 喂 不是說你們
This just got a whole lot harder.真是越幫越忙
What are you doing?你又干嘛?
I got him!打中他了!It's a hundred foot drop.這得有100英尺高吧
It's two hundred.至少200尺
- What's that for? - I'm digging a snow anchor.你在干什么? - 挖一個雪錨
Okay. What if we fall?好 如果我們掉下去怎么辦?
There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there.下面有20英尺厚的新雪接著我們
It'll be like landing on a pillow...會像掉在枕頭上一樣...
Okay, Anna. On three.好了安娜 我數(shù)到三
One... - Okay. You tell me when...1... - 好 你讓我什么時候跳...
Two... - I'm ready to go...I was born ready! Yes!2... - 我就什么時候跳...我早就準備好了!耶!
Calm down.冷靜
What the... Whoa! That happened.我去...怕什么來什么
Ah. Ah. Man, am I out of shape.啊啊 我發(fā)型沒亂吧
There we go. Hey, Anna! Sven!這樣好多了 嘿! 安娜!斯特!
Where'd ya guys go? We totally lost Marshmallow back there!你們?nèi)ツ睦?我們把那個棉花糖甩掉了!
Hey. We were just talking about you.嗨! 說曹操曹操到
All good things, all good things.乖乖的 棉花糖~~
No!不!This is not making much of a difference! Is it?這好像一點作用也不起啊 嗯?
Hang in there, guys! - Go Faster!堅持住伙計們!- 快!快點!
Wait, what?啊,怎么了?
Don't come back!別再回來!
We won't.我們不會的
feistyadj. 活躍的;好爭吵的;煩躁不安的
At 66, she was as feisty as ever.六十六歲的她,從來沒有這樣精力旺盛過。
powdern. 粉;粉末;[化工][軍] 火藥;塵土vt. 使成粉末;撒粉;搽粉于vi. 搽粉;變成粉末
Put a small amount of the powder into a container and mix with water.將少許該粉末放入容器里與水混合。
She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.她往臉上搽了粉,又涂了她的口紅和胭脂。
Marshmallown. 棉花糖;蜀葵糖劑;
As more people get on to ride the marshmallow cloud, you can expand the marshmallow clusters by sticking more marshmallows to them, increasing the surface area.
If after I come back, this marshmallow is here, you will get another one.