Do you get heart palpitations when your phone suddenly goes berserk the instant you step off a plane? What about if all those messages are "@" mentions from every group chat in your phone?
Do you feel on tenterhooks when the working day is done, but no one else wants to be the first to leave?
invisible /?n'v?z?b(?)l/ adj. 無(wú)形的,看不見(jiàn)的
update /?p'de?t/ v. 更新
palpitation /pælp?'te??(?)n/ n. 心悸;跳動(dòng)
berserk /b?'z?: k/ adv. 狂暴地;狂震
instant /'?nst(?)nt/ n. 瞬間;立即
on tenterhook /'tent?h?k/ 提心吊膽;焦慮不安
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then you just might have a modern social phobia.
Professional psychiatrists have identified many different kinds of "phobia", from acrophobia, or a fear of heights, to agoraphobia, or a fear of public spaces. These are often linked to genetic and psychological factors.
Now we can't claim to be psychiatrists, but I have drawn up a (veryunscientific) list of 10 phobias that we've identified in everyday modern life.
social phobia /'f??b??/ 社交恐懼癥
professional /pr?'fe?(?)n(?)l/ adj. 專業(yè)的;職業(yè)的
psychiatrist /sa?'ka??tr?st/ n. 精神病學(xué)家,精神病醫(yī)生
identify /a?'dent?fa?/vt. 確定;鑒定
acrophobia /,ækr?'f??b??/ n. 恐高癥,高處恐怖癥
agoraphobia /,æg(?)r?'f??b??/ n. 廣場(chǎng)恐怖癥
genetic /d??'net?k/ adj. 遺傳的;基因的
psychological /sa?k?'l?d??k(?)l/ adj. 心理的;心理學(xué)的
unscientific /,?n,sa??n't?f?k/ adj. 不科學(xué)的,不符合科學(xué)原理的
01. 沒(méi)人搭理恐懼癥
When your messages to someone have been ignored, but then you find out that he or she "liked" someone else's WeChat Moments — curse your perceptiveness!
Salt in the wound: Even if you send red packets in the group chat, nobody answers.
Treatment: Take a screenshot of the "like" you spotted and send it to the one who's ignoring you.
Truth: Deep down, you know you're just not that special to them.
perceptiveness /,p?:sep'tivnis/ n. 洞察力;感知力
treatment /'tri: tm(?)nt/ n. 治療,療法
screenshot /,skrin'??t/ n. 屏幕截圖
02. 零贊恐懼癥
After what seems like an age poring over the words and pictures in your latest social media post, you finally summon up the courage to press "send". The minutes tick by, but it doesn't receive any likes. All the while you feel like you've been punched in the gut or shot through by a thousand arrows at once.
Salt in the wound: A similar post by a friend or co-worker received hundreds of likes from your mutual friends, while you get none.
Treatment: Give yourself a like, you deserve it.
Truth: Maybe you're just being a drama queen.
courage /'k?r?d?/ n. 勇氣;膽量
receive /r?'si: v/ v. 收到;接待
punch /p?n(t)?/ v. 以拳重?fù)?/p>
arrow /'ær??/ n. 箭,箭頭
mutual /'mju: t???l/ adj. 共同的;相互的
deserve /d?'z?: v/ v. 應(yīng)受,應(yīng)得
03. 提到你恐懼癥
After a quick shower, you find you've got 18 unread messages on WeChat as well as five "@" mentions in your group chats. You become so anxious that you'd rather call an ambulance than wade through all these posts.
Salt in the wound: You're mentioned in a group chat even though the message wasn't meant for you.
Treatment: Change your group alias eight times and profile picture ten times daily.
Truth: Aren't you aware of how much work you've left undone?
anxious /'æ?(k)??s/ adj. 焦慮的;擔(dān)憂的
ambulance /'æmbj?l(?)ns/ n. 救護(hù)車
alias /?e?li?s/ n. 別名,化名
profile /'pr??fa?l/ n. 側(cè)面;輪廓;外形;頭像
04. 半熟不生恐懼癥
A chance encounter with a new co-worker makes your blood freeze. You try to flash a reluctant smile, but it looks more like a grimace because you feel like bursting into tears.
Salt in the wound: When the co-worker greets you with a warm: "Oh hey! It's, umm... you!"
Treatment: Closely study gossip magazines to learn how to imitate celebrities' fake smiles.
Truth: Your co-worker is probably as embarrassed as you are, especially if he or she can't remember your name!
encounter /?n'ka?nt?/ v. 遭遇,邂逅
freeze /fri: z/ n. 凍結(jié);凝固
reluctant /r?'l?kt(?)nt/ adj. 不情愿的;勉強(qiáng)的
grimace /'gr?m?s/ n. 鬼臉;怪相
imitate /'?m?te?t/ v. 模仿,仿效
celebrity /s?'l?br?ti/ n. 名人;名譽(yù)
embarrassed /?m'bær?st/ adj. 尷尬的;窘迫的
05. 微信文章刪除恐懼癥
You want to read a popular WeChat article, but it's been deleted before you can. Suddenly, feelings of abandonment, missing out and self-hatred hit you like a ton of bricks.
Salt in the wound: Halfway through reading the article, you leave to answer a WeChat message. When you come back, it's been deleted.
Treatment: Share the article on your WeChat Moments straight away and just pretend that you've read it.
Truth: You don't care whether the article is interesting or not anyway.
delete /d?'li: t/ v. 刪除
abandonment /?'bænd?nm(?)nt/ n. 拋棄;放縱
self-hatred /'self'heitrid/ n. 自我憎恨;自我仇恨
straight /stre?t/ adv. 直接地;不斷地
06. 聊天終結(jié)者恐懼癥
Although the actual conversation ended long ago, you keep exchanging emojis with your co-worker for fear of offending them with your lack of a response. First a smiley face, then a laughing face, then a happy face, which leads to a hilarious GIF…
Salt in the wound: You respond one last time, only to find your message has been rejected by the other person.
Treatment: Collect as many GIFs as possible.
Truth: By this point in the back-and-forth, are either of you really having a good time?
conversation /k?nv?'se??(?)n/ n. 交談,會(huì)話;社交
exchange /?ks't?e?nd?/ v. 交換;交易
offend /?'fend/ v. 冒犯;使…不愉快
response /r?'sp?ns/ n. 響應(yīng);反應(yīng)
hilarious /h?'le?r??s/ adj. 歡鬧的;非?;?/p>
back-and-forth 反復(fù)地,來(lái)回地
07. 人生導(dǎo)師恐懼癥
Just as straight-A students often hate giving study advice, businessmen don't like talking about how they make money and programmers are reluctant to help repair computers, you are afraid of becoming a mentor. What if you offer the wrong guidance? Or worse, can't answer your pupil's questions? It could completely destroy your reputation!
Salt in the wound: As the so-called mentor, you don't know how to solve your own problems.
Treatment: Read self-help literature to learn what it takes to become a great mentor.
Truth: People's impressions of you are never as good as you think. Relax, you're going to be fine!
programmer /'pr??græm?/ n. 程序設(shè)計(jì)員
guidance /'ga?d(?)ns/ n. 指導(dǎo),引導(dǎo);領(lǐng)導(dǎo)
destroy /d??str??/ v. 破壞;消滅;毀壞
reputation /repj?'te??(?)n/ n. 名聲,名譽(yù);聲望
literature /'l?t(?)r?t??/ n. 文學(xué);文獻(xiàn)
impression /?m'pre?(?)n/ n. 印象;效果,影響
08. 先走恐懼癥
You should never be the first one to leave, right? If you're at the office, it marks you out as a bad worker, while if you're at a party it's just plain rude. So, stuck between a rock and a hard place, you end up playing the game of "you move, I move".
Salt in the wound: You've been in the KTV for hours and by now everyone'sthroat is sore, but no one wants to make a move. There's nothing else for it — it's time to put on Taylor Swift's Look What You Made Me Do.
最扎心時(shí)刻:KTV局已唱到喉嚨沙啞,但因?yàn)闆](méi)人先走,只好又點(diǎn)了一首霉霉的Look What You Made Me Do。
Treatment: Always be the last to leave. Even if it means never actually leaving.
Truth: The longer you stay, the more it will influence those around you to stay longer. Be the change you want to see in the world.
throat /θr??t/ n. 喉嚨;嗓子
sore /s?: / adj. 疼痛的,痛心的
influence /'?nfl??ns/ v. 影響;改變
09. 飛行模式關(guān)閉恐懼癥
You're on a plane. Your phone is switched off. Finally, some peace and quiet! But in the back of your mind, you know that as soon as the wheels touch the ground the messages will come flooding in again like a rapid-fire machine gun.
Salt in the wound: You've just landed at your destination on the first day of your annual leave when your phone suddenly starts buzzing with some work-related query.
Treatment: Demand Wi-Fi on all the flights you take so you can always keep in touch.
Truth: A holiday away from work, in this day and age? Good luck!
switch off /sw?t?/ 關(guān)掉;切斷(電源)
destination /,dest?'ne??(?)n/ n. 目的地,終點(diǎn)
suddenly /?s?dnl?/ adv. 突然地;忽然
query /'kw??r?/ n. 疑問(wèn),質(zhì)問(wèn)
10. 出門前恐懼癥
You're getting ready to go out. You check you've got your keys, cellphone, wallet and mobile charger. Then you check again, just to make sure. As you're leaving your apartment, you try the door a couple of times to ensure that it's locked. Then you get in the elevator and descend to the first floor. But did you remember to switch off the TV? Time to get back in the elevator and go back home to check again.
Salt in the wound: The elevator is broken.
Treatment: They say that walnuts are good for your brain, you know.
Truth: It's all a part of getting older.
elevator /'el?ve?t?/ n. 電梯;升降機(jī)
descend /d?'send/ v. 下降;下去
walnut /'w?: ln?t/ n. 胡桃;核桃