Answered by Tarun Rajkumar
Tarun Rajkumar的回復:
Many of us only know the world’s most famous landmarks through images that show them in all their beautiful, historical glory. The world has changed since these structures were built, so the surrounding landscapes might not be what you’d expect.
1) The Pyramids of Giza(吉薩金字塔)
2) The Acropolis(雅典衛(wèi)城)
3) The Arc de Triomphe(凱旋門)
4) Stonehenge(巨石陣)
5) Central Park, New York City(紐約中央公園)
6) The Pantheon of Rome(羅馬萬神廟)
Seen through the McDonald’s across the way.
7) The Forbidden City(紫禁城)
8) Niagara Falls(尼加拉瓜大瀑布)
9) The Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)
10) The Brandenburg Gate(勃蘭登堡門)
11) Mount Rushmore(拉什莫爾山)
12) Mont St. Michel in France(法國圣米歇爾山)
13) The Hollywood Sign(好萊塢標志)
14) Sagrada Familia(圣家族大教堂)
15) St Basil’s Cathedral(圣巴西爾大教堂)
16) Santorini(圣托里尼島)
17) Mona Lisa(《蒙娜麗莎》(列奧納多·達·芬奇畫作))
18) Rock of Gibraltar(直布羅陀巨巖)
19) Little Mermaid(美人魚銅像)
20) The Alamo(阿拉莫遺址)
21) Las Vegas Strip(拉斯維加斯大道)
22) Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet(西藏拉薩的布達拉宮)
Same place, from another angle (behind) ...
23) The Great Wall of China ends abruptly as soon as it reaches the ocean:
It’s incredible to see the past mixed with the present.