獲得842好評的回答@Mark Rowswell
When I started learning Chinese, I was horrified to hear that it would take me 10 years to become fluent. 27 years later I'm still working at it. Due to my work on television, some Chinese language learners may consider me a role model of sorts, but every day I'm reminded of what I don't know and how much more there is to learn.當我開始學習中文,當我聽說我要花上10年時間才能講的流利的時候,我嚇到了。27年之后我還在學習。由于我在電視劇上做功課,一些中文學習者可能認為我是一個楷模,但其實我每天都在想一些我還沒學會的以及今后還有多少需要學習。
獲得133好評的回答@Charles Laughlin
Who cares how long it takes? Just do it! If you really want to learn Chinese, you will devote yourself to it however long it takes. 誰會在乎需要花費多少時間?喜歡就去做。如果你真心想要學習中文,你就要全身心投入不去管到底需要多少時間。
獲得111好評的回答@Rachel Flagg
Gaining fluency in Chinese is a difficult practice. All manner of things affect how long it will take, from time and dedication, classes you take, and finding a good teacher. Fluency has a different definition in most peoples minds, for the sake of this answer, I am going to consider fluency the ability to read and understand a newspaper, as well as engage in complex unscripted* conversation. 學會流利中文是一項艱難練習。所有的東西都將決定所花費的時間,時間、投入、上過的課、以及找到一位好的老師。不同的人對流利都有不同的見解,因此,我所認為的流利就是能流利閱讀并理解一份報紙,同時能夠投入到復雜的無稿交談中。