dialogue 1
Naja: Ping-pong must be the top-ranking popular sport in China. It seems to me in everyschool, factory, army unit, or residential area, men and women. young and old, are
swingins paddlcs.
Uu: You got it! In a sense, it has become a byword for Chinesc sport.
N: What do you tbink might be the source of its popularity?
L: I think its critical advantage lies in its low cost. A1l you nced is a racket, a table and a light. celluloid ball.Tablcs are usually available in public recrcation ares, like mncss rooms. and outdoor playgrounds...
N: And somctimes a substitute tablc can be madc out of a fh desks.
L Put it there! In senior high schools, wc used to play on desks in tbc classroom,who no vacant tables wereaVailablc. Likewise. the ticket may take a varicty of forms, too.
Anything that resemblcs a racket, from a plank to cardboard or cvcn a hardcover book, may be used as a racket.
N: Haha thcese are very good innovations. All tll these bespeak the public's fondness for the sport
L: Yeah, the sport is affordable and accessible to every Tom, Dick and Jane in this dcvcloping country. No wonder cven the statc leaders arc known to be keen on it.
N: I sec. There was also the famous ping pong diplomacy", wasn't there?
dialogue 2
N: At the Bcijing Olympics, all four table tennis cVcnts were all-Chinese finals. A clean sweep againl
L YeS. All international ping-pon8 tournamcnts have become a demonstration of Chinese supremacy in the sport.
N: Do you know of any secrets to China's success?
L: In the first place, I think the whole nation is just fond of the game. It is wcll grounded with the mass. With huge numbers of people playing ping-pong, we can always spot a handful of potential world champions.
N: So, the national ping-pong team must bc a highly competitiVc membership.
L: Sure.There is a careful mechanism for selecting players from provincial tf:ams, and those lucky dogs have to observc strict rules.
N: Forcxample?
L They are subject to hard training. And you know what, for a pIaycr on the national team,pcrsonal affairs are supposed to take a back seat to training and competition8.I hcy are noteven allowed to talk rclationships with each other.
N: Oh, dear! It's an cncroachmcnt on individual rights!
L Well, ping-pong is our national sport, and we just have to kcep winning one honor after another. That's why many people think such rulcs acccptable. Afler all, tbcy are fundcdout of taxpayers'money.