All that does is lock in the losses and prevent a chance to recover."
In order to boost savings during this critical time, Mr. Medley encourages clients in this age range to set up automatic savings plans
that direct a portion of their paychecks into an investment account at a firm like Charles Schwab or Fidelity Investments, where it can be invested in stock mutual funds.
"People need to save money outside of their retirement account," says Mr. Medley. "And as elementary as it may seem, an automatic plan works well for most people."
55 and Over
As you get closer to your retirement years, you want to hold onto the capital you've built up over time.
Trouble is, a lot of that capital has gone away in the market downdraft of the past two years.
"What's important in this case is recognizing where you are right now and not trying to think about where you were in 2007,"
says Tommy Williams of Williams Financial Advisers in Shreveport, La.
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According to recent surveys, retirement security is first and foremost on the minds of people in this group.
One strategy is to consider the minimum amount of income you require on an annual basis and then see if there's a low-cost annuity
that promises to pay at least that amount for life.
"Annuities can play a very strong role, because a lot of them carry guaranteed income," says Mr. Bonhard...
Having those guarantees makes it easier to take a little additional risk with the rest of your assets.
But you do pay something to get those guarantees, and you have to watch that closely."
Given the stock market's still relatively low level and, for some folks, a need to rebuild a broken portfolio,
some advisers recommend tweaking your portfolio mix to have a bit more stock-market exposure via low-cost stock-index mutual funds.
Portfolio choices, especially among retirees, should be made from a stance of prudence and common sense.
Having enough is more important than having more," says Mr. Bonhard. "If you've reached enough, you don't want to be gambling for more."
He cautions that you should purchase annuities only from companies with a strong financial position and solid credit ratings.