Which alphabet has the most letters?哪種語言字母最多?
Cambodian -- 74!柬埔寨語--74個字母!
Are the most movies from Hollywood?好萊塢的電影是最多的嗎?
No,India makes even more!不,印度更多!
Who scored the most soccer goals ever?足球進球得分最多的是誰?
Pele--the best of all time!球王貝利--一直是最棒的球員!
Which theme park gets the most people?哪個主題公園的游客最多?
Disneyland,Tokyo.Wait in line!東京的迪斯尼樂園。要排隊等候!
Where's the world's highest waterfall?世界最高的瀑布在哪里?
Venezuela makes that claim.在委內(nèi)瑞拉。
Who was the tallest person on record?記載中最高的人是誰?
Robert Wadlow was his name.他叫羅伯特·潘興·瓦德羅。
Which planet has the most moons of all?哪個行星的衛(wèi)星最多?
Which animal has the most eyelids?哪種動物眼瞼最多?
A camel has six to view.駱駝有雙層眼瞼。
Which town has the fewest people?哪個城市人最少?
Valley Park, Oklahoma,has one.美國俄克拉荷馬州的瓦利帕克,只有一個居民。
And when will the singing be over?這首歌什么時候結(jié)束?
Right now. The verses are done!現(xiàn)在。這首詩結(jié)束了!