A, say what you think about college life.
Hi, John. Life on campus is really exciting! It’s totally different form high school.
B, give your opinion of A’s view.
Yeah. I feel the same. It’s an entirely new world.
A, tell B your problem and the cause for that.
Well, my problem is this: I major in Engineering, but I want to work in a foreign trade company.
So, I decide to spend more time on English. But, it’s hard, you know, to manage your time.
B, give your opinion of what A says, and tell him/her about your situation.
I think you made the right decision. Actually, I have the same problem. You know, I’m majoring
in computer science, but I don’t like it very much. I’m really fond of travel and tourism, and I am considering changing my major, if it’s possible.
A, comment on B’s word.
Why? Computer science is cool! You’re sure to get a big salary in your future job!