Before the fashion show started, we had a rehearsal. In a small room we were each given a space. A dresser got us into the fashion clothes, then an assistant checked that the style was right—the correct number of buttons undone, the trousers pulled to the right height. Once dressed, we queued up in order by the door. The fashion designer checked that the clothing was as the he wanted. The music started, and we went out. We posed for the photographers, turned and walked back. It was a breeze. I walked back into the room, too excited to realize I was meant to hurry. In the few steps from the door you can throw off quite a few layers of clothing. By failing to do so, I almost missed my next turn.
At 8:30p.m., with the audience in place, we were back in the clothes. We went out again, to a full house. The music was loud, but clear. You could hear the talking—fashion shows are not theatre, and people don’t keep quiet. Journalists discuss what to write about; buyers discuss whether they can make a profit from the clothes. And although you have been chosen for your looks that aresuitable for certain dresses, as a model, you are just an advertisement for the designer. So you walk through conversations, unable to stop or react. You are not a creative human being, just a smiling doll.
1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F