Look, direct mail, newspaper ads and the yellow pages have all died, R.I.P.
News flash: Your customers have gone mobile,...
...and if you're not marketing to them on their mobile devices,...
...you're leaving a huge amount of money on the table.
Mobile coupons receive a 25% higher redemption rate than Internet coupons,...
...with ten times greater redemption rate than traditional coupons.
Text messages are read 95% of the time,...
...so you can reach your customers anywhere at any time instantly.
Now, you're guaranteed that your message reaches your customer.
Mobile searches related to restaurants have a conversion rate of 90%,...
...with 64% converting within the hour.
Mobile promotions increase sales,...
...while saving tons of money otherwise wasted...
...on old, outdated marketing tactics that simply don't work any longer.
Your customers are mobile right now, waiting on your business to evolve.