Twitter is a perfect fit for consumers and businesses alike.
With this powerful, easy-to-use communications platform,... can quickly share information, gather intelligence,...
...and build real-time and long-term relationships with customers and partners.
Follow these tips to start seeing real value.
Step one: Create a company profile.
Go to Twitter.Com and click "Sign up now."
Then, type your company name in the "Full name" and "Username" boxes,...
...and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your account.
Step two: Personalize the profile to give your company a face.
In "Settings," upload a picture...
...and add the names of people who will be tweeting on the account.
Step three: Start building relationships.
Write Twitter updates, called "tweets," about breaking business news,... links to sites or articles your followers might be interested in,...
...repost other tweets you like, and make followers feel like insiders...
...with behind-the-scenes looks at your company.