A:What kind of TV shows do you like to watch?
B:I'm not really into TV all that much.My parents always called it the "Idiot Box" and I kind of agree with them.
A:Yeah, I know what you mean.Still, I find myself watching it more often than I'd like to admit.
B:Sure, I can understand that.It can be pretty addicting.
A:I really like watching reality shows.You know, like "Survivor" and stuff like that.
B:Oh sure, I guess they can be a little more interesting.
A:Exactly, hence the name!I prefer watching real people to actors.I feel that I can relate to them better somehow.
B:Yes, and the fact that everything is more natural, and not scripted,makes them a bit better.
A:It sounds like you still don't watch them very often.
B:You're right.There are too many other things I'd rather be doing than watching TV.
A:What kind of TV shows do you like to watch?
B:I'm not really into TV all that much.My parents always called it the "Idiot Box" and I kind of agree with them.
A:Yeah, I know what you mean.Still, I find myself watching it more often than I'd like to admit.
B:Sure, I can understand that.It can be pretty addicting.
A:I really like watching reality shows.You know, like "Survivor" and stuff like that.
B:Oh sure, I guess they can be a little more interesting.
A:Exactly, hence the name!I prefer watching real people to actors.I feel that I can relate to them better somehow.
B:Yes, and the fact that everything is more natural, and not scripted,makes them a bit better.
A:It sounds like you still don't watch them very often.
B:You're right.There are too many other things I'd rather be doing than watching TV.