A lifetime experience of small space living...
...allowed Gary to create a truly unique, eco-friendly residence.
The most surprising aspect of this ultrahip apartment is its size,...
...only 330 square feet...
... 只有330平方英尺...
Small area, but for us, small area means efficiency and user-friendliness.
...and he sacrificed nothing in livability,...
...nicknaming it "domestic transformer".
By using a futuristic sliding wall system,...
...Gary can make any room anything he wants.
The house transforms and I'm always here, I don't move.
The house moves for me.
So, what appears to be just a simple wall...
...can be moved to reveal a linen closet,...
...which in turn can be moved to reveal a soaker bathtub...
...and a pull-down guest bed above.
This ingenious use of space enables this apartment to have up to 24 different combinations.
The tiny space is naturally bathed in a warm, golden light...
...that shines through the three floor-to-ceiling tinted windows.
It makes me feel happy and warm.
My home is always sunny even in gloomy weather.
I practically don't need to turn on any lights most of the time.
Using his unique sliding wall system,...
...one room can be quickly transformed into another.