Small loans, perhaps just 25 dollars,...
...can be enough to start a small sewing business or a bakery.
The basic thinking is that it generally works in the sense of lifting people out of poverty.
Probably the biggest drawback is that it's very hard to scale up on a level that will,...
或許最大的缺點(diǎn)是很難擴(kuò)大規(guī)模水平,...'s not gonna eliminate poverty.
It's not the only thing that needs to be done.
Robert Engelman with Worldwatch Institute says that microfinance repayment rates have exceeded the average.
We were seeing bigger repayment rates working with small groups of women with small amounts of money...
...than we saw in government-to-government loans, and World Bank loans,...
...and certainly loans made to individual men.
Today, there are thousands of microlenders around the world with tens of millions of customers.
India and Africa are considered the fastest growing markets...
...and the business model is growing.
Grameen Bank founder, Muhammad Yunus says, "The more lenders, the better."
We are inviting them to join in and compete in the market, so that the market becomes stronger,...
...and more competitive so the prices go down, interest rate goes down.
There are risks.
And yet, without the commercial money,...
...without commercial financial institutions,...'s never gonna really grow as big as it has the potential to be.