...who, you know, I was a young person getting into all sorts of trouble.
Anything I showed interest in,...
...any little, you know, passing statement I said about, "Oh, that looks interesting."
Whether it be an art class or a team sport or the Olympics.
My mom found a way to get me involved.
And that perseverance on her behalf is what has enabled me to live this dream over and over again.
Without the support of my mom,...
...just giving me every opportunity that she could find in the community in Winnipeg,...
...I wouldn't be here today without her support.
And I encourage all parents to, you know, when your kids say something like,...
..."Oh, that looks really cool" or "Wow! What's that like?",...
...find a way to get your kid involved...
...because you never know if they're gonna go with it when you water their little seed of curiosity.
For something that was really sort of the essence of what the Olympic sport is about,...
...it's about being the best you can possibly be...
...and in this case, being the best she'd ever been.
Remember to dream and don't be afraid of trying.
You never know where something's going to lead you.