When we first started fifth grade, I used to have contact with one of the girls from my old school,
and whenever I left school on Friday, I would go to her house and stay there until my mom would get home from work.
So I would be at her house and I'll be doing my homework. She would never have any homework, and she would say, "Oh, my God, you stay there late."
Then she said she wanted to go to KIPP but then she would say that KIPP is too hard and she didn't want to do it.
And I would say, "Everyone says that KIPP is hard, but once you get the hang of it, it's not really that hard."
She told me, "It's because you are smart." And I said, "No, everyone of us is smart."
And she was so discouraged because we stayed until five and we had a lot of homework and I told her that us having a lot of homework helps us do better in class.
And she told me she didn't want to hear the whole speech. All my friends are now from KIPP.
But think of things from Marita's perspective, she has made a bargain with her school. She will get up at 5:45 in the morning, go in on a Saturday, and do homework until 11 at night.
In return, KIPP promises it will take kids like her who were stuck in poverty and give them a chance to get out. It will get 84 percent of them up to or above their grade level in mathematics.
On the strength of that performance, 90 percent of KIPP students get scholarships to private or parochial high schools instead of having to attend their own desultory high schools in the Bronx.
And on the strength of that high school experience, more than 80 percent of KIPP graduates are now going on to college, in many cases being the first in their family to do so.