We know that cows were used for milk as early as 2000 BC from artistic or writtendescriptions of the milking process, or from discoveries of early milk carts. But theseirrefutable clues only date back 2,000 to 4,000 years after the earliest known evidence ofcattle herding. Because of this discrepancy, the prevailing hypothesis was that for a fewthousand years, domesticated cattle were used only for meat and hides.
But an international team of researchers may have put this hypothesis to rest. Scientistsat the University of Bristol in England developed a technique to identify the residue of fatsfrom cows' milk on ancient pieces of pottery.
The team examined over 2,000 pottery shards from twenty-three different archaeologicalsites across the Near East and Southeastern Europe. They found milk residue on pots datingback to 7000 BC!
The oldest milk residue was discovered around ancient Anatolia, which we know as modern-day Turkey. The region may have been ideal for cattle domestication because it had higherrainfall and greener grazing needed to support cattle, compared to drier neighboring regionsbetter suited for sheep or goats.
This is the first good proof that when humans first started herding cattle, they used themilk as well as the meat. So next time you're enjoying a cool drink of milk, thank the ancientAnatolians!