Early stone tools, like knives and scrapers, are easy for anthropologists to learn aboutbecause these items are still around. Even after two million years, a chipped stone tool is stillgoing to be there when you dig it up. Toothpicks, however, are another story. Made fromsplinters of wood, thorns, or bone fragments, these can rot and crumble away over time,leaving no recognizable trace. If this is so, how can an anthropologist look at a two millionyear old fossil site and claim that these early pre-humans picked their teeth?
It's certain that no toothpick will ever last two million years, but this isn't the case withteeth. In fact, fossil teeth are the most durable remnants that anthropologists work with, andsome of these ancient teeth display a curious set of grooves. Although these might have beencaused by tooth decay, a close examination of the marks seems to indicate that the grooveswere worn by repeated toothpicking--probably to alleviate the pain of gum disease. Indeed,these fossil grooves match the toothpick grooves in the teeth of several modern aboriginalpopulations.
It's enough to warm every dentist's heart: The first tools weren't just for preparing food,hunting, or fighting. They might have been used for dental hygiene as well.