In recent years, doctors and scientists have seenmore and more cases where memory loss isn't just a natural consequence of aging.Sometimes it's caused by other things, like medication. The wrong combination of medicinecan cause confusion and forgetfulness. So can doses that are too high or too low.
And stress is also a factor. Being stressed out can shrink the hippocampus--a part of the brainthat helps form and hold onto memories. So how do you know if an elderly parent is sufferingfrom dementia, or if it's a problem with meds or stress?
First, find out what medication they're taking and learn about possible side effects. And try tofind out what's going on in their lives that might be stressful. And, of course, talk with theirdoctor to see about trying a new medication or changing doses. Because the good news is that ifmedicine or stress is to blame for memory problems, making a change could solve theproblem and help your parent be themselves again.