Congress began a years–long debate on this issue of national health insurance for the elderly.Critics in Congress feared Medicare would lead to substandard and overpriced care, and felt thatit should serve only the indigent. They also predicted that, with growing numbersparticipating, it would eventually bankrupt the federal Treasury.
The legislative compromise that became the final Medicare Act—officially known as the"Social Security Amendments of 1965”—was part of President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society"program. Today it protects more than 40 million Americans from the high cost of hospital care.
Much of the program's costs are covered by payroll taxes paid by workers. Yet costs quicklystarted to exceed expectations, and as Americans' life expectancy increased over the years, theMedicare program became even more expensive.
It has become a matter of national debate and a financial issue for every Congress andPresident since. Today it is still one of the fastest growing items in the federal budget.Nonetheless, Medicare remains a popular program, and a well-established part of the federalgovernment's role in our society.