I am in my early 30s with a small child. I recentlywent through some hard times and moved backhome with my parents. I have never asked myparents for money. I work two jobs and have put alittle away in savings. I'd like to take a smallvacation. The only major expense would be theairfare, and I have enough for that.
My parents are completely against the trip. They feel I would not be able to afford the airfare ifthey hadn't been helping me for the last few months. I agree, but on the other hand, I need alittle time with friends to relax and just have a good time. I'm an adult. Can my parents stilltreat me as a child?—Tired in Omaha
Dear Tired:
When adult children live at home, parents are prone to treat them as children. Your parentswant you to save enough to have your own place and need to know their efforts to help you arenot being frittered away on less-than-necessary things. They also may not want to baby-sit foryour child while you are away, in which case you should make other arrangements. Thank yourparents for their concern and say you need a break from your two-job routine so you can comeback refreshed and productive.