Yael: Holy what?
Don: Guayule. It's a desert-dwelling shrub fromthe Southwest.
Yael: What about guayule? I never even heard of it.
Don: Several things. One of the most important features of the guayule plant is that it is asource of natural latex, ideal for making gloves and other natural rubber products used in themedical industry. But unlike the more common latex extracted from rubber trees, latex fromguayule plants does not contain the proteins that cause severe allergic reactions in somepeople.
Yael: Nice.
Don: But that's not all. Crop researchers have discovered that the guayule plant is apotentially valuable source of energy. After the latex is extracted from the plant, you're leftwith the ground up stems and branches—called “bagasse.” Bagasse from guayule containsabout as much potential energy per pound as charcoal. USDA chemists are working to developefficient methods to convert bagasse into ethanol and other consumer ready products.Guayule has a few advantages as a source for biofuel. One is that it grows and thrives in thedesert. That means it can grow in areas where other crops can't. Guayule shrubs can also beharvested year round, and require very little fertilizer or chemicals to grow. On top of that, thelatex extraction process uses only water, no harsh solvents, so the process of producing latexand bagasse is relatively clean.
Yael: That does sound promising. I'LL look forward to hearing more about guayule in thefuture.
Don: I suspect we will.