In the past, religion's contribution to this debatehas been from a moral standpoint about thequestions of poor behaviour that are encouraged bythe loss of our inhibitions. But the truth is thatChristianity has a complex relationship withalcohol, from the beautiful story in John's Gospel ofJesus turning water into rich and special wine, to thebrewing of beer by monks and the centralsacramental act of billions of Christians around theworld when we drink fortified wine from the samecup at the Eucharist. It is perhaps a sign of our timesthat this debate has been highlighted not so much by a moral anxiety as a medical one. It'sthe strain on the NHS that's the issue. We are it seems, a society less at ease with ourselvesthan we could be, for example, taking the edge off social interactions with a drink to alleviateour fear. Moralising judgements don't help here, but recognising that we medicate our miseryby taking alcohol will raise deeper questions about who we are and who we want to be."