That's right.
I was recovering myself when I heard about you.
The hospital was undergoing unexplainable power outages.
Every time you were going into cardiac arrest, which was actually a misdiagnosis because you see, you weren't flatlining, Barry, your heartbeat was moving too fast for the EKG to register it.
Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but detective west and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here, where we were able to stabilize you.
Iris, yes. She came to see you quite often.
She talks a lot.
Also, she's hot.
I need to go.
No, you can't.
No, no, no, Caitlin's right, now that you're awake, we need to do more tests.
You're still going through changes. There's so much that we don't know.
I'm fine, really. I feel normal. Thank you for saving my life.
Can I keep the sweatshirt?
Yeah, keep the sweatshirt.
Fill 'er up?
Oh, my God. You're awake. Why didn't S.T.A.R.Labs call us?
I just woke up.
Should you even be on your feet?
Iris, II'm okay.
I watched you die, Barry. You kept dying. Your heart kept stopping.
It's still beating.
Feels really fast. Oops.
Are you okay, Tracy?
Yeah, I got it.