閃電俠第一季 第55期:警探識破女兒戀情
Barry. Barry.
We win.
It's been a while since I watched you sleep.
Rescuing you is exhausting.
I really miss the ability to be able to ground you.
Sorry I went and grew up. I could have got my dad out of iron heights tonight.
I know.
But you were right. That's not the way.
Daddy. .
Oh Baby, I'm fine. Don't worry.
I'll let you guys talk.
Partner. You two arrive at the same time?
Dad, we have something that we need to tell you.
Dad, the thing is
You two are dating. I know.
You do?
I'm a detective, remember? And both of you are lousy liars.
So you're not mad?
Oh, I'm mad. And if the doctor hadn't confiscated my gun, we'd be having an entirely different conversation.
Well, I should let you two talk, And I'll just be outside looking into the witness protection program.
I'm sorry.
Iris, this is going to be complicated. You know I don't like complicated. Do you like him?
Yeah, I do.
Then I will do my damnedest not to shoot him.
That is all I ask.
Will it hold?
The barrier is powered by an 8.3 tesla superconducting electromagnet, which is about 100,000 times the strength of earth's magnetic field.
In other words, yes.
Hmm. He's mad.
Well, good night.