I promise.There was a time when I trusted him morethan anyone.
我保證 曾經(jīng)我最信任他勝過任何人
Trust breeds trust.You have to give it get it.
信任是相互的 先得付出才有收獲
Are you lecturing me?Do you need to be lectured?I just want her back.
你是在說教嗎 你需要說教嗎 我只想救出凱瑟琳
I'm sure you can understand that.I can understand that you would do anything for her, yes.
相信你能理解 我理解你為了救她 什么都做的出來
Then you understand what I will do if anyone gets in my way.
那你也很清楚 如果有人搗亂 后果會怎樣
You said you never played this thing before.I'm a fast learner. Quick reflexes.
你說你從沒玩過 我上手很快 反應迅速
Who are you dodging?This girl Anna.She can be, uh, persistent.
你在躲誰呢 一個叫安娜的女孩兒 她十分黏人
Is she hot?Yeah yeah, but she can be weird.Hot trumps weird, trust me.
那她漂亮嗎 是很漂亮 但有點怪 漂亮最重要 相信我
He is ridiculously hot!He's an ass.
他帥的一塌糊涂 他是個混蛋
What are you doing with all this stuff?
I thought there might be something About my birth parents.
我想里面或許有 關于我親生父母的東西
Have you told Jeremy?I will.
你告訴杰里米了嗎 我會說的
When the time is right.That's Stefan.Dude!
等時機合適的時候 斯特凡回來了 伙計