Well, they call it training, 他們叫培訓
but it's more of an assessment. 但是它更像是一項評估
To see if you can do the job. 看看你能否勝任
I'm sorry to cancel so late, but... 非常抱歉這么晚才跟你說 但是
the bank only does this twice a year. 銀行一年只有兩次這樣的機會
Nah, that's okay. It's, it's important. 沒什么 不要緊的 那是很重要的事
And I'll only be gone a couple of days... 我也就離開幾天
this time. 這一次
This time? 這一次嗎
Yeah, if it works out, 是的如果能夠行的話
I will be... taking Hanna to New York with me. 我要帶漢娜一起去紐約
So the promotion wouldn't be here. 所以 不是在這升職
No, it's in New York. 對 是在紐約
Well...when would you go, if they offer it to you? 那么 如果他們給你這個機會 什么時候走呢
I'd have to make the decision pretty quickly. 我得快點做決定
Miss the great unveiling... 那就錯過了揭牌儀式哦
We can come back for that. 我們可以專程回來參加
Well, I should wish you luck. 我應該祝你好運
But I don't think I can right now. 但是我現(xiàn)在做不到
Wouldn't feel honest. 感覺很不誠懇
I like seeing you. 很喜歡跟你一起