MJ: Hello, this is MJ, from Korea.
Mike: Ok, MJ. We are gonna talk about break up. So, have you ever had a bad break up?
MJ: Actually I didn't have any bad break up.
Mike: Lucky you.
MJ: Yeah, lucky me. Have you ever had one?
Mike: Yeah, actually. It's kind of funny, kind of funny story. Well, I was dating this girl for two, it was only two months. And during those two months, you know, we were like, we just quarreled a lot. It's a lot. But...so there was a day that I was about to enlist in the army and I told myself that I can't put up with this stuff any more, right? So, I just broke it off with her. And the best part of it was that, that night, I kind of thought like, oh, man, you know, I think like I made a mistake. So I called her, and I was like, "you know what, I'sorry for breaking up with you." And then she said, ?" OK, but now is my turn to break up with you"
MJ: She said that?!
Mike: Yeah, so from being...from dumping someone, I turned to be dumped within 24 hours.
MJ: Oh!
Mike: So that was actually fantastic. Yeah, and it kind of affected me for maybe just a few days.
MJ: So, after she said she don't want to meet you anymore, you didn't say anything to her?
Mike: Well, I kind of said like, you know I'm sorry and stuff but it didn't work, so it's cool. So that's about it. All right.