Elena: And Elena from Bulgaria.
Diego: For elllo.org. Today we have a very interesting question for all the ladies. Is life easier for women? What do you think, Elena?
Elena: Um, is life easier for women than men? I think that men might still have it easier. Because historically with the whole male domination, patriarchy system I think it might have been easier for men just in terms of they have more power, they have more respect. They have at least. And they had their own ability to choose their own destiny, where as a lot of time in the past women had to do what their fathers or their husbands told them, and this is obviously not true anymore because times have changed and a lot has happened, and lot has developed since then, but in a way I still think that in some respects men have more power and especially professionally, although in the family, women rule!
Diego: Well, I guess it's really a matter of perspective. Women can have an easier life, by just going with the flow.