Reporter:Is 60% to 80% by 2050 too much? A 60% to 80% reduction in carbon-dioxide emissions?
Scott:You're outside of my knowledge base. We have a very small Washington office. We have no scientists. We are a,and we operate stores that serve customers.
Reporter:But let's take it to a level that you understand very well, and that is that you have done all that you've done in the past three years. You've focused on products,you've gotten your suppliers focused on these issues,you've gotten your trucking fleet focused on these issues,you've gotten your stores focused on these issues. And yet with all of that, you're still growing your,carbon footprint by, according to your own reporting, what, 8% or 9% a year. So how, after making all the efforts that you've made in the past three years and you still see your carbon footprint expanding at that rate, can we possibly hope to do 60% to 80% reductions by 2050?
Scott:First of all, we have started on a program that has a long,long way to go. At the store level, we have what are called PSPs, which are Personal Sustainability Programs which encourage Wal-Mart employees to embrace a cause in areas such as environmental sustainability or personal health. We have, I think, 500,000 people who are signed up and have started recycling or using CFLs or that are doing something related to wellness.We have these groups of people working on different things from our supply chain all the way into our communities.There is an energy about it,and it's real and it makes a difference. But it is simply the start.
Reporter:On an issue like packaging,of course,there's a long way you could go.There's significant groups of people out there now who are saying we shouldn't be bottling water. Why bottle water? It's just an environmental waste. How do you decide? You're still selling bottled water, I assume?