第十一季 第十集 |
00:02.69, |
This was a good idea. |
這真是個好主意 |
00:03.76, |
It's been a long time since we've had girls' night. |
我們已經(jīng)好久沒舉辦閨蜜之夜了 |
00:05.88, |
Yeah, it's so nice to have a relaxing evening |
對啊 能夠有個放松的夜晚 |
00:07.70, |
at home doing nothing. |
在家什么都不干最棒了 |
00:09.32, |
Yeah, really breaks up the other 30 days |
對啊 跟我這個月其他30個 |
00:11.51, |
I've spent on bed rest doing nothing. |
在家休養(yǎng)屁事不干的日子完全不同 |
00:15.27, |
Well, tonight we're gonna make you forget all that. |
今晚我們會讓你忘掉那一切 |
00:17.57, |
You're gonna make me forget I've been stuck in bed |
你們會讓我忘記我被困床上 |
00:19.47, |
while a baby uses my bladder as a kickball? |
還有小寶寶把我的膀胱當球踢嗎 |
00:23.74, |
Hey, you had unprotected sex with Howard. |
你自己跟霍華德無套啪啪啪 |
00:25.92, |
You deserve to be miserable. |
你遭報應純屬活該 |
00:30.18, |
Hey, I need some fashion advice. |
我需要一點時尚建議 |
00:32.01, |
Really? From me? I would love to... |
真的嗎 向我請教啊 我很樂意... |
00:33.65, |
Actually, Leonard told me Penny was over here? |
其實是萊納德跟我說佩妮在這里 |
00:36.48, |
Hey, what's going on? You got a date? |
怎么了 你要跟小妞約會嗎 |
00:38.11, |
I, uh, do have a date... with science. |
我... 是跟科學有個約會 |
00:40.40, |
Oh, what's science wearing? |
那科學會穿什么呢 |
00:44.31, |
The Griffith Observatory is looking for an astrophysicist |
格里菲斯天文臺在找一名天體物理學家 |
00:47.81, |
to consult, and I have an interview tomorrow. |
來當顧問 我明天要去面試 |
00:49.76, |
Oh, I love the observatory. |
我好喜歡那個天文臺 |
00:51.49, |
They tell you your weight on all the different planets. |
他們會告訴你 你在別的星球時的體重 |
00:53.89, |
金星的重力約是地球上的0.91 |
00:53.89, |
Yeah. It's always bikini season on Venus. |
在金星時 永遠都適合穿比基尼 |
00:58.00, |
I think you'd be great at that. |
我覺得你一定能勝任 |
00:59.29, |
Don't you agree, Bernadette? |
你也同意吧 伯納黛特 |
01:01.31, |
Huh? I'm listening. I'm listening. |
啥 我有在聽 我有在聽 |
01:03.11, |
I'm not watching The Crown. |
我沒有在看電視劇《王冠》 |
01:06.07, |
I just want to make a good first impression, |
我就是想給人好的第一印象 |
01:07.98, |
and thought maybe you could help me pick out an outfit? |
所以想請你幫我挑一件好的 |
01:09.98, |
Of course. Let's see what you got. |
沒問題 讓我看看 |
01:12.08, |
Yeah, you just need to pick something |
其實你只需要選一件 |
01:13.30, |
that-that you feel confident in. |
能讓你感到自信的就行了 |
01:14.88, |
I'm sorry. I left my magic clothes at home. |
抱歉 我沒帶我的自信魔法外套來 |
01:17.94, |
I'm sure these two options will be f... |
我相信這兩件就夠... |
01:22.27, |
So you-you have other clothes at home? |
你... 你家還有別的衣服嗎 |
01:25.67, |
Uh, it doesn't matter. |
算啦 無所謂 |
01:26.77, |
They're talking to a bunch of people. |
他們要跟一大堆人談 |
01:28.00, |
I probably won't get it anyway. |
估計都選不上我 |
01:29.36, |
- Well, don't say that. - Yeah, you have to believe in yourself. |
別這么說-對啊 你得對自己有自信 |
01:32.71, |
You know, before I came to America, |
其實在我來美國之前 |
01:34.05, |
I was filled with confidence. |
我是個很有自信的小伙子 |
01:35.51, |
What happened to me? |
我怎么會變成這樣 |
01:36.57, |
Hey, is that Raj there at girls' night? |
拉杰來你們閨蜜之夜嗎 |
01:39.20, |
Well, hey. Hey, Howard. |
你好啊 霍華德 |
01:40.92, |
Just remember, if you fall asleep first, |
記住了 如果你先睡著 |
01:43.00, |
少女過夜聚會的常見惡作劇 |
01:43.00, |
they're gonna freeze your bra. |
她們會把你的胸罩拿去冰箱凍住 |
02:12.50, |
You and Amy having fun planning your wedding? |
你跟艾米計劃婚禮還愉快嗎 |
02:14.66, |
We're employing a mathematical approach |
我們決定使用一種數(shù)學方法 |
02:17.62, |
called decision theory, so, heck, yeah. |
叫決策論 所以... 太特么愉快了 |
02:22.50, |
Heck, yeah? |
特么嗎 |
02:23.83, |
Looks like someone need to put a dollar in the almost-swear jar. |
某人得交一塊錢的"接近罵臟話"罰款啊 |
02:28.19, |
We've assigned all wedding decisions randomly, |
我們隨機分配所有需要下的婚禮決定 |
02:30.99, |
and each of us makes half of them. |
然后我們一人決定一半 |
02:32.70, |
You know, from venue to officiant |
比如婚禮場地 證婚人 |
02:35.05, |
杜威十進制是美國最普遍的圖書分類法 |
02:35.05, |
to numbering system for the tables: Roman or Dewey Decimal. |
到賓客的桌號是用羅馬數(shù)字還是杜威十進制 |
02:40.17, |
普遍應用在計算機領域 |
02:40.17, |
Why not hexadecimal? |
為什么不用十六進制數(shù) |
02:44.41, |
Cause this is our wedding, not a joke. |
因為這是婚姻大事 不是相聲大會 |
02:48.04, |
- Hey, guys. - ?Hello. |
你們好啊-你來啦 |
02:49.68, |
Oh, good. Raj is here |
太好啦 經(jīng)理拉杰來了 |
02:51.35, |
to tell us today's specials. |
快告訴我們今天有哪些特餐 |
02:54.01, |
Very funny. I have my interview this afternoon. |
好笑好笑 我今天下午有個面試 |
02:56.93, |
Oh. If it doesn't work out, |
如果面試失敗 |
02:58.12, |
摩門教傳教士通常都是穿著西裝傳教 |
02:58.12, |
you're ready to go on your Mormon mission. |
你也穿好可以去傳摩門教的衣服啦 |
03:02.07, |
I-I don't understand what's going on here. |
我沒懂你們這是什么情況 |
03:03.88, |
Oh, what's going on here is |
情況就是呢 |
03:05.17, |
I'm up for a job at the planetarium, |
我要去面試天文館的一個工作 |
03:06.91, |
and Howard is making fun of me. |
而霍華德在吐槽我 |
03:08.77, |
Oh, that's great. You're both doing what you love. |
那太好了 你們都在做自己愛做的事 |
03:12.46, |
Well, I'm excited for you. |
我為你感到興奮 |
03:13.82, |
Oh, thanks, yeah. I'd be in charge of developing |
謝謝 錄用之后 天文館所有的節(jié)目 |
03:16.02, |
and narrating all the planetarium shows. |
都將會由我來開發(fā)與念旁白 |
03:18.33, |
And I really want this, |
我很想要這份工作 |
03:19.27, |
so it wouldn't kill you to be more supportive. |
所以你多支持我一下是會死嗎 |
03:20.89, |
But if it did, you could bury me at the funeral home you direct. |
如果死了 可以葬在你當入殮師的殯儀館嗎 |
03:26.10, |
Wait. The premise is that he is dressed differently? |
等等 哏都是在嘲諷他打扮跟平常不一樣嗎 |
03:29.31, |
Yeah. |
對啊 |
03:31.73, |
That's true. He is not dressed the same. |
的確啊 是跟平常差很多 |
03:39.68, |
Hey, Dad. |
爸 |
03:40.39, |
Hello, Rajesh. |
你好啊 拉杰什 |
03:41.63, |
How was the interview? |
面試怎么樣了 |
03:42.73, |
Uh, not so great. |
不是太好 |
03:44.43, |
They asked me what my biggest weakness was, |
他們問我最大的缺點是什么 |
03:45.99, |
and 45 minutes later, they thanked me for coming. |
45分鐘后 他們謝謝我來參加面試 |
03:49.36, |
Son, don't take this the wrong way, but what's your problem? |
兒子 爸不是不愛你 但你是有啥毛病啊 |
03:54.31, |
I would tell you, but apparently it takes 45 minutes. |
我想回答你 但回答一次貌似需要45分鐘 |
03:58.34, |
You know what? |
其實呢 |
03:59.42, |
I bet it's those friends you surround yourself with. |
我覺得你是受身邊的朋友影響 |
04:01.86, |
Like that Howard, always making fun of you. |
比如那個霍華德 總是在取笑你 |
04:04.47, |
Howard doesn't mean anything by it. |
霍華德不是真心的啦 |
04:07.04, |
I-I think it's cultural. |
我覺得是文化差異 |
04:08.36, |
His people come from a very sarcastic village |
他的族群來自一個很毒舌的村子 |
04:10.40, |
called Brooklyn. |
叫布魯克林[黑人區(qū)] |
04:13.41, |
Don't make excuses. |
別為他找理由 |
04:15.16, |
What kind of friend acts that way? |
什么朋友會像他這樣啊 |
04:17.71, |
Well, I-I guess... |
我想... |
04:18.57, |
It was a rhetorical question. |
我這是個反問句 |
04:20.12, |
A bad friend! |
垃圾堆撿來的朋友才這樣 |
04:22.44, |
Come on, Dad! That's just our relationship, okay? |
別這樣 老爸 我跟他之間的關(guān)系就這樣 |
04:24.93, |
He makes Indian jokes, and I laugh, |
他開印度人玩笑 我會笑一下 |
04:27.12, |
but, you know, with angry eyes so he knows it's not okay. |
但我眼神是生氣的 讓他知道這是不對的 |
04:31.29, |
I, too, was in a relationship |
我也有過一段 |
04:33.06, |
with someone who made me feel bad about myself. |
跟總貶低我的人在一起的感情 |
04:36.23, |
If you're talking about Mom, I don't want to hear it. |
如果你是要說我媽 那我不要聽 |
04:38.52, |
I'm just saying, if you replace Howard |
聽我一說 如果你把霍華德 |
04:41.20, |
with a nice 22-year-old grad student, |
換成一個如花似玉的22歲研究生 |
04:44.01, |
your self-confidence will soar. |
你的自信絕對會爆棚 |
04:50.42, |
All right, Amy, you're up. |
好了 艾米 輪到你了 |
04:52.64, |
Next decision. |
下一個決定 |
04:54.91, |
Come on, first dance! |
來吧 首支舞 |
04:56.51, |
Come on, first dance! |
快來 首支舞 |
05:00.36, |
Invitations! |
邀請函 |
05:01.75, |
That's a good one. |
這個也很不錯啊 |
05:02.68, |
Just a suggestion-- |
純給個建議 |
05:04.18, |
hologram projected out of R2-D2. |
由《星球大戰(zhàn)》萌機器人放出全息投影 |
05:08.79, |
Thanks for your input, but this is my decision, |
感謝您的意見 但這是我的決定 |
05:11.50, |
and I'm gonna go with... |
而我決定要... |
05:14.04, |
old English calligraphy on Egyptian papyrus. |
用古英文以書法寫在埃及莎草紙上 |
05:16.59, |
Oh, what a fun mashup. |
真是有趣的混合啊 |
05:18.96, |
It's like the chicken and waffles of orthography. |
簡直就像炸雞華夫餅 毫不異端 毫不做作呢 |
05:23.59, |
Your turn. |
輪到你啦 |
05:29.13, |
Ring bearer! |
戒童 |
05:30.17, |
Boy, I'm so glad that R2-D2 is still available. |
媽呀 太慶幸剛才沒把萌機器人用掉 |
05:34.77, |
You know, this is really fun. |
其實這樣挺好玩的呢 |
05:36.59, |
I can't believe that people say that planning a wedding |
真不敢相信別人都說計劃婚禮 |
05:38.34, |
is one of the most stressful things in life. |
是人生中壓力最大的一件事之一 |
05:40.41, |
I know. Not a day goes by that I don't marvel |
對啊 從來沒有過哪一天我不驚訝 |
05:43.14, |
how much better we are than other people. |
我們能比別人強上那么多 |
05:48.34, |
I'm so sorry the interview didn't go well. |
面試不順利我也很替你難過 |
05:50.15, |
Yeah, you would've been perfect for it. |
這工作真的很適合你呢 |
05:51.98, |
Oh, I just get so nervous, |
我就是會太緊張 |
05:53.36, |
and then I start apologizing for being nervous, and... |
然后我又會為自己太緊張而道歉 |
05:56.31, |
You guys don't want to hear about this. I'm sorry. |
你們不會想聽這個的 抱歉啦 |
05:57.84, |
Stop apologizing! |
別再道歉了好嗎 |
05:59.28, |
Oh, my God! |
天啊 |
05:59.79, |
You sound just like the woman at the interview! |
你說的簡直跟面試那女士一樣 |
06:03.87, |
Have you ever thought about talking |
你有想過去跟 |
06:04.93, |
to some kind of therapist about all this? |
什么心理醫(yī)生之類的談這事嗎 |
06:07.00, |
Ugh. Maybe. |
或許吧 |
06:08.71, |
Hey, Leonard, do you think your mom would be available? |
萊納德 你覺得你母親會有空嗎 |
06:12.79, |
Yeah, you don't want to do that. |
你不會想找她談的 |
06:16.24, |
Talking to my mom to get more confidence |
想跟我媽聊天來得到信心 |
06:18.48, |
is like talking to a lion to get more alive. |
就跟去找閻王聊天來得到生存感一樣 |
06:22.91, |
Well, my dad thinks |
我爸爸覺得 |
06:24.37, |
it's because Howard's always making fun of me. |
是因為霍華德總吐槽我害的 |
06:27.04, |
Well, that makes sense. |
這話有道理 |
06:28.45, |
Well, what do you mean, that makes sense? |
你說這話有道理是什么意思 |
06:30.30, |
Well, Howard does make fun of him a lot. |
霍華德的確常常吐槽他 |
06:32.49, |
Well, that's not all Howard's fault. |
那也不全是霍華德的錯啊 |
06:34.45, |
I mean, if Raj doesn't want to be made fun of, then I... |
要是拉杰不想被吐槽 那我... |
06:37.74, |
Hmm. I don't know a nice way to finish this sentence. |
我不知道要怎么禮貌地結(jié)束這句話 |
06:41.91, |
Well, so you're on his side? |
這么說你站在他那邊 |
06:43.59, |
I'm just saying, |
我只是說 |
06:44.32, |
that's what friends do. You know, they bust on each other. |
朋友之間就是這樣 互相懟的啊 |
06:46.69, |
It doesn't mean anything. |
那些話并不代表什么啊 |
06:47.95, |
Well, I'm not surprised you think so. |
我不意外你這么想 |
06:49.98, |
Why is that? |
為什么 |
06:50.84, |
Well, you can be kind of mean to me. |
你對我也挺毒舌的 |
06:52.92, |
Well, that's because you're... |
那是因為你是... |
06:56.82, |
Wow. I don't know how to finish that sentence, either. |
這句話我也不知道該怎么收尾 |
07:00.35, |
You know what? I think we're both done being disrespected. |
你知道嗎 我們倆都受夠了不被尊重 |
07:06.29, |
I got a few rounds left in me. |
我還有幾口氣 還能再承受羞辱 |
07:08.97, |
Attaboy, champ. |
英勇的好小伙 |
07:13.26, |
Okay, let's see what we've got so far. |
看看目前我們都有什么了 |
07:16.70, |
I arrive in a Little House on the Prairie style horse-drawn buggy. |
我坐在美劇《草原小屋》風的馬車上入場 |
07:22.70, |
Where you are met with an honor guard of stormtroopers. |
再由《星球大戰(zhàn)》暴風兵儀仗隊員迎接 |
07:28.77, |
Do you think that might be jarring, |
你會不會覺得有點風格不搭 |
07:30.58, |
going from wholesome pioneers to space Nazis? |
從健康的拓荒者跳到太空納粹 |
07:35.81, |
I see what you're saying. |
我懂你意思了 |
07:37.05, |
You're thinking that you should arrive |
你在想 你入場時應該乘坐 |
07:39.32, |
in a replica of Luke Skywalker's landspeeder. |
仿制的《星球大戰(zhàn)》盧克·天行者的陸行艇 |
07:44.48, |
It's not what I'm thinking, |
我不是在想這個 |
07:47.21, |
and to save you the trouble for the future, |
順便幫你省去以后的麻煩 |
07:49.51, |
it will never be what I'm thinking. |
我此生都不會有這想法 |
07:53.30, |
Well... if the ushers are so important to you, |
如果迎賓員對你那么重要 |
07:56.04, |
what if I propose a trade? |
那我們做筆交易如何 |
07:57.41, |
You may pick that, and I will decide, say, first dance. |
讓你選迎賓員 而第一支舞就由我來決定 |
08:02.44, |
Great. Then the ushers will be... |
好極了 那迎賓員就由 |
08:05.59, |
my cousins dressed in frontier frock coats. |
我穿上拓荒者雙排扣長外套的表妹們擔當 |
08:09.41, |
And the first dance will be that we won't have one. |
那第一支舞就 不跳了 |
08:15.07, |
All right. Then our... |
好吧 那我們的 |
08:17.38, |
second dance will be the first dance. |
第二支舞就變成第一支舞了 |
08:21.82, |
Unless we have no dance at all. |
我們?nèi)∠璀h(huán)節(jié)就行啦 |
08:23.15, |
Ha-ha. |
呵呵 |
08:26.81, |
Well, if we're changing things, |
如果要做出改變 |
08:28.87, |
then instead of throwing confetti, |
那我們不要扔彩紙屑 |
08:32.26, |
we'll release butterflies. |
改成放蝴蝶吧 |
08:33.99, |
Airborne worms?! Have you lost your mind?! |
空中亂飛的蟲子 你瘋了嗎 |
08:37.63, |
Well, if you're going to do that, |
如果你要這么做 |
08:39.14, |
then I am changing the officiant to that |
我就把證婚人換成 |
08:42.55, |
husky Spider-Man that hangs out at the Chinese Theater. |
常在中國劇院出沒的大只佬蜘蛛俠 |
08:46.57, |
Fine. Wedding toasts in Latin. |
行啊 婚禮祝酒詞換成拉丁語的 |
08:50.74, |
Great. Vows in Klingon. |
好極了 婚誓用克林貢語說 |
08:54.80, |
Then I'm changing the flower girl to a dog. |
那我要把女花童換成狗 |
08:58.83, |
And guess what he'll be scattering instead of petals! |
你猜這下他不撒花瓣 而是撒什么 |
09:05.88, |
Want to grab some lunch? |
想去吃午飯嗎 |
09:07.91, |
You know what? I don't think so. |
你猜怎么著 不去 |
09:10.61, |
Well, let me guess. You're not eating |
我來猜猜看 你不吃飯 |
09:12.35, |
because the mean girls circled your chubby bits in marker? |
是因為刻薄女們用筆把你胖的部位圈出來了 |
09:16.96, |
No. That. That right there. That's the reason. |
不 是這個 你剛才說的這個 這就是原因 |
09:19.41, |
You're always making fun of me. |
你總是在取笑我 |
09:20.99, |
Oh, those are just jokes. |
那些都是玩笑話而已 |
09:23.41, |
It's my way of saying that we're friends, |
我用這種方式來表達我們是朋友 |
09:25.93, |
and it wouldn't hurt you to drop a few! |
再說你減個幾斤又不會死 |
09:30.25, |
See? No wonder I don't have any confidence. |
看到?jīng)] 難怪我沒自信 |
09:33.36, |
Come on. You can't blame that on me. |
不是吧 這怎么能怪在我頭上 |
09:35.63, |
Why not? 15 years of constant ridicule. |
為什么不能 15年來你不斷地奚落我 |
09:39.15, |
I-I think our relationship has become toxic. |
我覺得我們的關(guān)系已經(jīng)變得有毒了 |
09:42.46, |
Uh, what are you saying? |
你這是什么意思 |
09:45.79, |
I think you and I need to spend some time away from each other. |
我覺得我們需要分開一段時間 |
09:50.65, |
Look, I... I can see you're upset, but... |
聽著 我看得出你不開心 但是... |
09:54.23, |
I'm gonna need some ground rules. I mean, |
我需要知道一些基本規(guī)則 |
09:58.00, |
while we're apart, can I see other needy Indian men? |
分開期間 我能否約其他纏人的印度男 |
10:01.08, |
Get out! |
滾出去 |
10:08.82, |
What do you think will make the wedding worse for Amy: |
你們覺得哪個會毀掉艾米心中的婚禮 |
10:12.59, |
a cake made with salt instead of sugar... |
把結(jié)婚蛋糕從甜的改成咸的 |
10:17.16, |
...or a cake iced with congealed gravy? |
還是把蛋糕的糖霜改成凝固的肉汁 |
10:23.64, |
That is a trick question. |
這是陷阱答案 |
10:24.93, |
The answer is: you as the groom. |
正解是 你當新郎 |
10:30.46, |
Neither of them will be the actual cake. |
不會真的做剛才說的蛋糕 |
10:32.42, |
I'm just using it as a bargaining chip |
我只是用這個來要挾 |
10:34.40, |
to get Amy to agree to the whole wedding party getting rings |
逼艾米同意 讓每個賓客都得到一枚戒指 |
10:38.18, |
電影《指環(huán)王》的劇情 |
10:38.18, |
and us getting one ring to rule them all. |
我們則得到一枚可以統(tǒng)治他們的至尊戒 |
10:43.61, |
I forget, which mental hospital are you guys registered at? |
我忘了 你倆是住在哪間精神病院來著 |
10:48.43, |
Hello. |
大家好 |
10:49.10, |
- Hello. - ?Hello. |
你們好啊-好啊 |
10:53.99, |
Really? |
不是吧你 |
10:54.90, |
You're not gonna sit here? |
你不坐這里嗎 |
10:56.55, |
I'll sit there as soon as you leave. |
等你走了 我就過去坐 |
10:59.82, |
You're still on this? I said sorry. |
你還沒氣完嗎 我道過歉了 |
11:02.47, |
Well, "sorry" doesn't make up for years of emotional abuse. |
道歉也不能彌補多年來對我的精神虐待 |
11:06.58, |
Well, what's it gonna take? |
那你要怎樣才不氣了 |
11:08.83, |
You want half my sandwich? |
我分半個三明治給你行嗎 |
11:13.73, |
What is going on? |
這是什么情況 |
11:15.35, |
Raj is trying to blame me for his pathetic life. |
拉杰想把他可悲的人生怪到我頭上 |
11:19.14, |
His life isn't pathetic. |
他的生活才不可悲 |
11:20.71, |
He's got that whole table to himself. |
他能獨占一整張桌子不用跟別人分呢 |
11:25.33, |
One of us should go sit with Raj so he's not alone. |
我倆應該有一個過去陪拉杰坐 |
11:27.88, |
But I'm not done telling you about my wedding revenge plans. |
但我還沒說完我的婚禮復仇計劃呢 |
11:30.59, |
You're right. Go on. |
也對 繼續(xù)說吧 |
11:31.71, |
Okay, well, first, I'm going to try |
好咧 首先我要嘗試 |
11:33.18, |
to get Amy to trade with me for hors d'oeuvres... |
讓艾米跟我換餐前冷盤的選擇權(quán) |
11:39.22, |
Oh, good, you're here. |
太好了 你在家 |
11:41.13, |
I've decided on our centerpieces. |
我已經(jīng)決定了餐桌中央的擺飾 |
11:43.70, |
I just hope your family isn't allergic to asbestos. |
希望你的家人不會對石棉[有害]過敏 |
11:47.96, |
Sheldon, please stop. |
謝爾頓 拜托你住手吧 |
11:49.75, |
If we keep doing this, we're gonna end up with a wedding |
再這樣下去 到時的婚禮 |
11:51.89, |
that neither one of us will enjoy. |
我們兩人都不會喜歡的 |
11:55.00, |
Are you saying you don't want to get married? |
你意思是你不想結(jié)婚了嗎 |
11:57.19, |
No, of course I do. |
不 我當然想結(jié) |
11:59.04, |
But that seems to be the one thing we can agree on. |
但我們能意見一致的部分 也就僅此而已了 |
12:02.71, |
Maybe we should just get married at City Hall |
也許我們?nèi)ナ姓d登記一下就好了 |
12:05.79, |
and forget about everything else. |
不安排婚禮那些的了 |
12:08.97, |
City Hall, hmm. |
市政廳 |
12:12.06, |
I do like metal detectors |
我確實喜歡金屬探測器 |
12:15.44, |
and the sound of permits being denied. |
和許可證被拒絕時的響聲 |
12:19.37, |
Right. |
對啊 |
12:20.21, |
And if we're not enjoying planning this wedding, |
如果我們根本不享受計劃過程 |
12:22.41, |
then what's the point? |
那辦婚禮還有什么意義呢 |
12:24.04, |
Well, historically, a wedding was to let |
從歷史上來講 婚禮是為了 |
12:25.96, |
other potential suitors know that we're unavailable. |
讓其他潛在追求者知道 我們有主了 |
12:28.45, |
But I think matching T-shirts that say |
但我覺得上面印著 |
12:30.42, |
hands off the merchandise accomplish the same thing. |
眼看手勿動的情侶裝T恤也有這功能 |
12:35.13, |
So let's pick a day and just go do it. |
我們就選個日子去登記吧 |
12:41.13, |
How 'bout tomorrow? |
明天怎么樣 |
12:44.08, |
R-Really? |
真的嗎 |
12:45.39, |
That soon? |
這么快 |
12:46.95, |
Why wait? |
何必等呢 |
12:48.17, |
I mean, it's not that I think we're living in sin, |
我是不認為我們活在婚前同居的罪惡中啦 |
12:50.28, |
but I do like the idea that our next act of intimacy |
但我也想我們下次的親密行為 |
12:53.04, |
will be a legal requirement. |
是受法律要求的 |
12:57.06, |
Tomorrow we'll go downtown and get married. |
明天我們就去市中心登記結(jié)婚 |
13:00.19, |
Or we could go to Beverly Hills City Hall |
或者如果你想旅行結(jié)婚 |
13:03.38, |
if you want a destination wedding. |
我們可以去比弗利山莊的市政廳 |
13:10.66, |
Hey. You look good today. |
你今天很帥氣 |
13:12.71, |
What happened? What's wrong? |
怎么了 出什么事了 |
13:16.01, |
Just tell me. I can take it. |
你就直說吧 我扛得住 |
13:18.27, |
Nothing. I felt bad about being mean to you, |
沒什么 我覺得自己經(jīng)常損你好壞 |
13:20.46, |
so I'm being nice. |
所以就想對你好點 |
13:22.39, |
Oh, okay. Sorry. I wasn't ready for it. |
好吧 不好意思 剛才沒準備好 |
13:24.22, |
Try again. |
再說一次 |
13:25.52, |
You look handsome. |
你看起來很帥 |
13:26.89, |
Nope, still freaking me out. |
不行 還是讓我心慌慌 |
13:29.99, |
Hello, friends! |
親們好啊 |
13:31.77, |
Hey, what's going on with your hair? |
你的頭發(fā)怎么了 |
13:33.22, |
Uh, nothing. I just decided to stop straightening it. |
沒什么 只是決定不再拉直了 |
13:36.02, |
Wait, so you were making your hair look like that on purpose? |
等等 你之前發(fā)型居然是故意弄的嗎 |
13:40.57, |
When I first moved to America, I wanted to fit in. |
我剛搬到美國時 想融入大家 |
13:43.86, |
And Howard's hair was straight, |
而霍華德的頭發(fā)是直的 |
13:45.25, |
and he was the coolest person I knew. |
當時他是我認識的最酷的人 |
13:46.52, |
Then you never saw any other people? |
之后你再沒見過其他人類了嗎 |
13:50.18, |
You know what, I-I don't want to talk about Howard. |
其實 我不想提起霍華德了 |
13:51.97, |
I came here to celebrate! |
我是來慶祝的 |
13:54.61, |
Yeah. I went back to the planetarium and told them |
沒錯 我回去天文館告訴他們 |
13:56.81, |
they were making a huge mistake, that I'd be perfect for the job. |
他們犯了天大的錯 我非常適合這份工作 |
13:59.79, |
I was... I was charming, I was confident. |
我當時很討人喜歡 自信滿滿 |
14:02.11, |
And they gave it to me. |
于是他們就要我了 |
14:03.64, |
That's amazing! |
太棒了 |
14:04.57, |
Yeah, plus, it turns out the guy they hired |
還有就是 他們之前招聘的那個人 |
14:06.19, |
got busted at a sketchy massage parlor. |
做"保健"被抓了 |
14:10.18, |
Oh, so happy ending for you! |
這下你也是滿足了 |
14:12.03, |
Oh, and for him. |
那人應該也"滿足"了 |
14:15.62, |
Yeah, I was on my way to tell Howard, |
我本來要去告訴霍華德 |
14:17.07, |
and then I remembered I wasn't speaking to him, |
然后想起來我和他吵架呢 |
14:18.70, |
so I came over here. |
所以就過來了 |
14:19.95, |
- Mm, don't you think it's time you two made up? ?- No. |
你不覺得你倆應該和好了嗎-才怪 |
14:23.29, |
No, actually. I don't need his negative energy in my life right now. |
現(xiàn)在的我才不需要他的負能量 |
14:27.26, |
Standing up to him was-was hard, |
反抗他雖然不容易 |
14:29.22, |
but it made me realize that I can do anything. |
但這讓我發(fā)現(xiàn) 我可以做到任何事 |
14:32.04, |
And, yeah, it's a little sad, but, you know, |
雖然有一點小悲傷 但是 你懂的 |
14:35.33, |
life is all about... |
人生就是... |
14:38.47, |
Uh, sorry. |
抱歉 |
14:39.68, |
I thought you were wrapping things up. |
我以為你差不多說完了 |
14:46.32, |
- Hey, Howard. ?- Hey. |
霍華德-嗨 |
14:47.69, |
Where is everybody? |
其他人呢 |
14:49.14, |
I could ask you the same question. |
我可以問你同樣的問題 |
14:52.79, |
Wow, this conversation got mean fast. |
這段對話立馬就變刻薄了 |
14:56.55, |
Sorry. I'm just in a bad mood. |
抱歉 我現(xiàn)在心情不好 |
14:59.21, |
Yeah? What's going on? |
是嗎 怎么了 |
15:00.54, |
I had a falling out with Raj. |
我和拉杰吵架了 |
15:03.26, |
He said I make fun of him too much |
他說我太常取笑他 |
15:04.92, |
and it's wrecked his confidence. |
打擊壞了他的自信 |
15:06.91, |
Please, confidence is like red blood cells-- |
拜托 自信心就像紅血球一樣 |
15:09.30, |
it's nice if you got some, but you don't need 'em. |
有當然好 但你并不需要它們 |
15:13.64, |
Yeah. I mean, your life's a mess. |
對啊 你的人生也一團糟啊 |
15:15.67, |
I don't see you blaming other people for it. |
我也沒見你怪在別人頭上 |
15:18.36, |
That's right. I grew up in a loving, supportive household. |
是啊 我出生在一個充滿愛和支持的家庭中 |
15:23.42, |
This is all on me. |
走到這步 只能怪我自己 |
15:27.84, |
Maybe I'll just hang out here for a while. |
我還是自己先轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)吧 |
15:30.21, |
Great. And you can make fun of me all you want. |
太好了 你也可以盡情地取笑我 |
15:32.46, |
No, that's okay. |
不 還是算了 |
15:33.83, |
No, no, no. Go on. I can take it. |
不 不 沒關(guān)系 我受得住 |
15:35.51, |
My feelings, like my extremities, |
我的感情 就和我的四肢一樣 |
15:38.23, |
are basically numb. |
基本上是麻木的 |
15:43.68, |
Here's your license. |
這是你們的證書 |
15:44.75, |
Now, if you wait over there, |
現(xiàn)在 你倆在這里等一下 |
15:46.01, |
we'll call you when the officiant's ready. |
等證婚人準備好了我就叫你們 |
15:47.78, |
Do we need a blood test? |
我們需要驗血嗎 |
15:49.36, |
No. |
不需要 |
15:50.81, |
Well, then, how will you know whether or not we have syphilis? |
這樣的話你怎么知道我倆有沒有梅毒呢 |
15:56.44, |
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you don't have that. |
我就大膽假設你沒有吧 |
16:02.68, |
Okay, Sheldon, you officially exceeded the number of times |
謝爾頓 你已經(jīng)正式用完了我能忍受 |
16:05.00, |
I hoped to hear the word "syphilis" on my wedding day. |
在大喜之日上聽到"梅毒"這個詞的次數(shù)了 |
16:09.87, |
I can't believe we're doing this. |
我真不敢相信我們要這么做了 |
16:11.32, |
I know. I'm getting married. |
我知道 我們要結(jié)婚了 |
16:13.55, |
The new Star Wars movie's coming out. |
新的《星球大戰(zhàn)》電影要上映了 |
16:16.92, |
We are really finishing this year strong. |
這個年末真是過得好精彩 |
16:21.16, |
Okay, but of the two of tho... |
好吧 但在這兩者之中... |
16:22.69, |
You know, I'm not even gonna ask. I'm not gonna ask. |
算了 我不問 我不問 |
16:29.83, |
Are you sad we're not having a big party? |
你會因為我們沒有舉辦盛大婚禮而難過嗎 |
16:33.92, |
I'm really not. |
我真的沒有 |
16:36.44, |
I'm here with you. It's perfect. |
我們一同在這里 已經(jīng)很完美了 |
16:43.15, |
Cooper-Fowler? |
庫珀-福勒 |
16:44.57, |
You're up. |
該你們了 |
16:47.67, |
Can you believe it? |
你能相信嗎 |
16:49.05, |
We're about to walk in that door, Dr. Cooper and Dr. Fowler, |
我們即將作為庫珀博士和福勒博士 走進去 |
16:53.10, |
and walk out as a married couple, |
等我們出來就是新婚燕爾的 |
16:55.55, |
Dr. Cooper and Dr. Fowler. |
庫珀博士和福勒博士 |
17:01.48, |
Wait. |
等等 |
17:04.28, |
I want to have a first dance with you. |
我想和你跳婚禮上的第一支舞 |
17:07.20, |
Right here? |
就在這兒嗎 |
17:08.97, |
At our wedding. |
在我們的婚禮上 |
17:11.13, |
Th-This is our wedding. |
這就是我們的婚禮呀 |
17:12.78, |
No. |
不 |
17:15.46, |
I want a real wedding. |
我想要一場真的婚禮 |
17:17.98, |
Well... |
可是... |
17:19.37, |
Sheldon, it was just making us fight. |
謝爾頓 計劃婚禮只會讓我倆吵架 |
17:21.82, |
I know. But, Amy, |
我知道 艾米 可是 |
17:24.71, |
I never thought I'd want to marry anyone. |
我從未想過有一天會與人結(jié)婚 |
17:26.97, |
So the fact that I found you is astonishing. |
所以我能找到你簡直就是奇跡了 |
17:31.47, |
It's-it's like finding dark matter, |
這就好比找到暗物質(zhì) |
17:34.58, |
except they're looking for dark matter. |
不同的是 科學家是很認真在尋找暗物質(zhì) |
17:36.11, |
I wasn't even looking for you. |
而我都沒有在找你 |
17:39.64, |
S-So you're even better than dark matter. |
所以你是比暗物質(zhì)更美好的存在 |
17:43.04, |
Sheldon. |
謝爾頓 |
17:43.73, |
Plus, plus, you interact with light, so I can see you. |
而且 而且你和光相互作用 所以我能看到你 |
17:48.60, |
And, also, you don't account for the missing mass in the universe. |
另外 宇宙中那些消失的物質(zhì)也跟你無關(guān) |
17:52.24, |
- Oh, and... - Okay, I think you're getting caught up |
還有...-我想你在我和暗物質(zhì)的不同點上 |
17:54.05, |
on the ways I'm not like dark matter. |
陷入了死循環(huán) |
17:56.38, |
Right. Sorry. |
你說得對 抱歉 |
17:57.88, |
But when you make a discovery like this, |
但當一個人有了如此重大的發(fā)現(xiàn) |
18:01.97, |
you don't just take it down to City Hall-- |
他不該靜悄悄地帶它去市政廳 |
18:03.96, |
you tell the whole world. |
而是會站出來告訴全世界 |
18:05.54, |
And so I'll say it in Latin or Klingon |
我會用拉丁文和克林貢語說一遍 |
18:09.11, |
or-or smoke signals, |
或者是用狼煙信號 |
18:10.54, |
if-if that's not cultural appropriation. |
如果不會對原住民文化不敬的話 |
18:12.61, |
It is. |
會的 |
18:13.16, |
Okay, so not smoke signals. |
好吧 那就不用狼煙 |
18:17.08, |
But I want to do this right. |
但我想把這件事做好 |
18:22.12, |
Me, too. |
我也是 |
18:24.55, |
Let's go plan a wedding. |
那就讓我們來計劃一場婚禮吧 |
18:35.04, |
You know, we did get dressed up |
其實呢 我們都穿戴整齊 |
18:36.90, |
and come all the way to City Hall. |
而且大老遠來到了市政廳了 |
18:40.06, |
What are you thinking? |
你想干什么 |
18:41.31, |
I have always wanted a permit to dispose of hazardous waste. |
人家一直想搞一張?zhí)幹梦kU廢棄物的許可證 |
18:48.03, |
Let's do it. |
一起去吧 |
18:55.01, |
Do we know if there's life in the methane plumes of Enceladus |
土衛(wèi)二的甲烷大氣中 或是木衛(wèi)二的冰川下 |
18:59.12, |
or under the icy surface of Europa? |
是否有我們已知的生命存在呢 |
19:02.77, |
Come back on Tuesday for my next show to find out. |
我將在下周二的節(jié)目中揭曉 不見不散 |
19:06.27, |
Spoiler alert: we don't. |
小小劇透 答案是沒有 |
19:10.92, |
I'm Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali, |
我是拉杰什·庫薩帕里博士 |
19:12.72, |
and thank you for taking a walk with me through the stars. |
感謝你和我一起漫步在星空中 |
19:18.78, |
Wow. I never knew science could be so interesting. |
我從來都不知道科學也能這么有趣呢 |
19:22.00, |
Hey, I talk to you about science all the time. |
我不是常有和你聊科學嗎 |
19:23.93, |
Oh, you sure do, sweetie. |
對啊 小寶貝 |
19:28.18, |
Should we go congratulate him? |
我們應該過去祝賀他嗎 |
19:29.66, |
I'll do better than that-- I'll give him constructive criticism. |
我有更好的主意 我要給他提些建設性意見 |
19:33.17, |
Here's some constructive criticism: don't. |
我給你一個建設性意見 別提 |
19:40.65, |
- I'll catch up with you guys. - ?Okay. |
我一會兒來找你們-好的 |
19:43.17, |
- Raj, you were terrific! - Oh, thank you. I was so nervous, |
-拉杰 你真是太厲害了 -謝謝 我好緊張 |
19:46.14, |
my armpits are like a swamp. |
我腋下濕得一塌糊涂 |
19:47.44, |
Oh, your hug just got downgraded to a high five. |
給你的擁抱正式降級為擊掌了 |
19:51.30, |
Your palms are sweaty, too. |
你的手心也全是汗呀 |
19:53.78, |
What are you doing all the way in the back? |
你一個人在后面干什么呢 |
19:56.45, |
Hiding out. |
我躲在這里呢 |
19:57.48, |
I wasn't sure if I was welcome. |
不知道他是否歡迎我來 |
19:59.86, |
This is ridiculous. You guys are best friends. |
別傻了 你們是死黨 |
20:02.28, |
Of course he wants you here. |
他當然想你來了 |
20:04.13, |
You sure? He seems to be doing pretty well without me. |
你確定嗎 沒有我他一切也挺順利的 |
20:07.55, |
Look, he was just stressed out. |
他當時只是煩到理智線斷了 |
20:09.60, |
His life is not better without you. |
沒有你 他的生活并沒有變好 |
20:11.36, |
Come on. Come say hi. |
過來吧 來打個招呼 |
20:14.15, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
20:16.64, |
Dr. Koothrappali, I just wanted to tell you that was amazing. |
庫薩帕里博士 我只想為你剛才的表現(xiàn)點贊 |
20:20.56, |
- Uh, counterpoint... ?- To the car. |
我想反駁-上車去了 |
20:24.49, |
Can I ask you a question? |
我能問你個問題嗎 |
20:25.62, |
Of course you can. |
當然可以 |
20:26.85, |
Ooh, that went well. |
哎喲 我回答得不錯 |
20:27.82, |
Ask me another. |
再問我一個 |
20:30.98, |
I think I'm just gonna go. |
我想我還是走吧 |
20:34.98, |
If there is life beneath the surface of these planets, |
如果那些星球的地表下真的有生命 |
20:37.58, |
how would we even detect it? |
我們怎樣才能發(fā)現(xiàn)他們呢 |
20:39.28, |
Uh, that's a complicated question. |
這是個非常復雜的問題 |
20:41.79, |
Let me start with a simpler one. |
那我先換一個簡單的問題吧 |
20:43.69, |
Can I buy you a coffee? |
我能請你喝咖啡嗎 |
20:46.01, |
A-Also a complicated question. |
這也是個復雜的問題 |
20:48.40, |
Because I want to say yes, but if I drink coffee this late, |
因為我想答應你 可如果我現(xiàn)在喝了咖啡 |
20:50.73, |
then I'll be up all night. |
那今晚就別想睡了 |
20:52.03, |
Decaf, genius. |
脫因咖啡啊 天才 |
20:54.80, |
I would love to. |
我很愿意 |