And then he walked me through my diet.He was like,so in the morning you'll have a smoothie. 然后他教我怎么節(jié)食 他說 早上喝一杯鮮果奶昔
And then for lunch you journal about that smoothie.And then.what do you eat at lunch?You're not eating lunch? 中午在日記里寫一下那杯奶昔 然后 你中午吃什么 你中午不吃飯嗎
No,you write about it.Then you sleep with a peanut under your pillow. 不 你寫出來 然后睡覺時枕頭下面墊一顆花生
No,he was great.But then,you know,I'm really proud to say that by the time cameras were rolling I lost three pounds.Where did it go?Where does it even go? 不 他很棒 但是后來 我很自豪地說 到開拍時 我減了三磅 那三磅去哪兒了 到底去哪兒了
You occasionally read stuff about you online,a blogger made some comments about you recently,and it ticked you off. 你偶爾會在網(wǎng)上讀到關于你的一些評論 某個博主最近說了一些關于你的評論 讓你生氣了
Great setup.Can I just say that?Am I allowed to say that? 真會挖坑 我能這樣說嗎 我可以這樣說嗎
You know what?They call me king of the S.U. which is setup.I mean he says that. 你猜怎么著 在娛樂圈 他們叫我“坑王” 也就是挖坑之王 是他自己說的
I never,but yeah,of's in "Entertainment weekly."There's no time to look at it now.Oh,yeah,all right. 我沒聽說過 但是當然了 《每周娛樂》里寫著我是“坑王” 但是現(xiàn)在沒時間看了 好吧
Yeah,there was a blogger and he wrote that I wasn't conventionly attractive and I was sort of like the,I didn't read it,but people told me. 是的 有一個博主寫到 我不是很吸引人 他還說我太肥了 我沒讀他的評論 是別人告訴我的
This is horrible,why would people tell you?Like can you believe it?Aren't you my friends?Let me just miss that one.How about that? 這也太糟糕了 為什么會有人告訴你 是啊 他們說你能相信嗎 我說你不是我朋友嗎 讓我錯過那事吧 怎么樣
They are like,look at this.He called you a monster. 他們說 看看這個 他說你是怪物
So I,but it didn't affect me.I was kind of psyched that only one person wrote that. 但是這完全沒有影響到我 只有一個人這樣寫 我其實挺高興的
You really are silver .I're like only one.I love it.I'll take it.I think you look beautiful.thank you. 你真的是很樂觀 我就是 某人這樣寫 而你說只有一個人 我喜歡 我認了 我覺得你看起來很美 謝謝