The driveway, "driveway," is what connects the garage to the street. 車道(driveway)是連接車庫和街道的道路。
It's the space that is in between your street and where your car is parked, your garage. 它是街道和車庫之間的那段路。
Some people actually don't have a garage, and so they park in their driveway. 有些人并沒有車庫,因此他們把車停在車道上。
They drive off the street and they park their car in the driveway, that piece of land where you can put your car. 他們駛出街道并把車停在車道上,就是你放車的那塊空地。
I like to park my car on my neighbor's driveway so I have more room on my driveway. 我喜歡鳩占鵲巢,這樣我就能為我的車道留出更多空間。
He doesn't like it though. 我鄰居當(dāng)然很抓狂。
So, I back out of the garage, and then I "close the garage door, and put the car into drive." 因此,我把車倒出車庫,然后我“關(guān)上車庫門,然后把車檔掛到前進(jìn)檔”。
Here's another use of that word, drive. 這里出現(xiàn)了“drive”的另一個(gè)用法。
In this case, it means I'm putting it in a gear that will take me forward. 在這里,它的意思是我使用讓車向前開的齒輪。
So, to put a car into drive means that you change the position of the transmission so that your car will go forward and not backwards. 因此,“put the car into drive”的意思是你掛前進(jìn)擋這樣你的汽車將向前而不是向后開。